Democrats Showing Their True Colors

December 22, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Expect a Biden administration to focus on race, more foreign intervention. By Phil Giraldi It has already been widely recognized that what is likely to be the incoming Joe Biden administration is going to be […]

Patriots Rise Up Against Tyranny

December 18, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By John Friend As local, regional, and federal jurisdictions around the world implement more lockdowns and other tyrannical measures under the guise of combating Covid-19, which, according to the CDC’s own statistics, has an average […]

Liberty vs. the Great Reset

December 18, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Dr. Kevin Barrett The biggest loser of the 2020 presidential election was neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden. Whatever the Electoral College, the courts, Congress, state legislatures or the all-powerful media may say about […]

Duo’s Mossad Ties Go Unmentioned

December 17, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Phil Giraldi Amidst the turmoil caused by the dispute over who was actually elected president on Nov. 3, a few stories that should definitely be of interest have flown beneath the radar insofar as […]

Leftists Are Aiming for One-Party Rule

December 16, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Paul Craig Roberts It was interview questions from a Russian journalist that made me realize that the Democrat Party was no longer merely a political party but had become a revolutionary party working toward […]

Trump Picks Turn Out to Be Swamp Rats

December 11, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries Why Donald Trump inexplicably filled his administration with appointees known to be hostile to his campaign rhetoric is a mystery. A good number of them, like United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, had […]

Battle for Control of the U.S. Senate

December 9, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Mark Anderson Perhaps the most-watched U.S. Senate races in recent American history are transpiring in Georgia, where two runoff elections will take place Jan. 5 that pit incumbent Republicans against Democratic challengers. The results […]

End America’s War on U.S. Military Vets

December 2, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By John Whitehead The 2020 presidential election may be over, but nothing has really changed. The U.S. government still poses the greatest threat to our freedoms. More than terrorism, more than domestic extremism, more than […]

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