Is Joe Senile?

March 9, 2020 AFP Editor 0

The front page story of the new American Free Press Issue 11 & 12–in the mail to print subscribers and online now for digital subscribers—asks this tough question. By Paul T. Angel Conservative commentators have […]

Vote Fraud: An American Tradition

March 9, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Stealing national elections is not an uncommon occurrence in U.S. history. By Donald Jeffries The controversial, pathetically delayed Iowa caucus vote illustrated once again that America’s electoral process is utterly corrupt. The Collier Brothers’ great […]

Americans Support Assassinations?

February 11, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Decades of brainwashing have convinced Americans we should kill foreign leaders. By Donald Jeffries In 1976, President Gerald Ford signed Executive Order 11905, which prohibited any member of the United States government from engaging or […]

The Iran Hostage Crisis: 40 Years Later

February 8, 2020 AFP Editor 0

CIA dirty tricks against Iranian democracy led to Islamic fundamentalist revolution. By S.T. Patrick “Do you believe in miracles?!” Al Michaels screamed as the ragtag team of amateur American hockey players defeated the dominant Russians […]

What Can U.S. Learn from the UK?

January 30, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Adoption of radical leftist policies and endorsements from celebrities are “political poison.” By S.T. Patrick Extrapolating one country’s national election results into a global trend or a long-term lesson can be challenging, yet there must […]

Impeachment Trial a Risk for Democrats

January 7, 2020 AFP Editor 0

If the Senate takes up an impeachment trial, investigators could expose the depth of corruption of the Bidens and others in Ukraine. By Donald Jeffries The Democrats’ plan to convert a nebulous phone conversation involving […]

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