AFP Reporter Hogtied, Arrested

June 12, 2012 AFP 1

• Rough treatment seen as tactic to intimidate other reporters By Christopher J. Petherick In an event that shocked even veteran patriotic attendees of past Bilderberg conferences, 25-year-old AMERICAN FREE PRESS reporter Olga Belinskaya was […]

Secret Conclave Site Found

May 8, 2012 AFP 0

• Bilderberg group will meet in Chantilly, Va. in late May • Tucker heads to Memphis to attend two patriot rallies By James P. Tucker Jr. MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Hundreds of patriots were on hand for two […]

Kleptocrats Launching Spring Offensive

April 29, 2012 AFP 0

• Meetings in Tokyo, Chicago, Virginia part of NWO battle plan By James P. Tucker, Jr. The Trilateral Commission (TC) held its annual meeting April 21-22 at the Hotel Okura in the heart of the […]

Populist Groundswell Frustrates Globalists

January 21, 2012 AFP 0

By Keith Johnson Amid rising economic turmoil and social unrest, members of the global elite will convene at a ski resort in the peaceful mountains of Davos, Switzerland for the annual World Economic Forum 2012 […]

Military Whistleblower Ends Up Dead

December 30, 2011 AFP 0

By Frank Whalen With the U.S. military only now leaving Iraq, after almost a decade, the legacy that remains is not that of a successful mission. Rather, the unnecessary war might be viewed in the […]

7 Nations on Neocon Hit List

December 9, 2011 admin 1

By James P. Tucker Jr. Some 10 years before the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., top neoconservatives in the Pentagon orchestrated a major “policy coup” to start wars with multiple […]

Bankers Annexing Europe

December 3, 2011 admin 0

• How long before globalists impose their economic solutions on America? By Peter Papaherakles — After 2,500 years, the country that gave birth to democracy is ironically witnessing its collapse. Greece is no longer a […]

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