By James P. Tucker Jr.
Decrying the growing wealth divide between the haves and have-nots all around the world, globalist groups are advocating taxing countries like the United States so that money from “economic powerhouses” can be redistributed to poor nations. While feeding the hungry sounds like a noble gesture at first, the reality is that middle-class Americans will likely bear the brunt of this crusade for the benefit of rich foreign leaders.
Income inequality is increasing across much of the developed world, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) reported breathlessly from Paris on Dec. 5. Skilled workers command a “disproportionate share” of the bounty made possible by technological progress, the OECD groaned.

To reverse the trend, the OECD said, nations should implement tax and social policies that extract more from top “earners” while offering more to those at the bottom. And, they said, the UN should enforce this policy. Thus another Bilderberg-imposed step toward world government would be achieved. For those who do not know, the Bilderberg group is a Rothschild-Rockefeller oriented annual by-invitation-only meeting of 120 to 140 guests, mostly from North America and Europe and including many bankers, politicians, influential financial figures and heads of corporations.
The deal could force nations “to forfeit a degree of national sovereignty,” the Bilderberg-controlled Washington Post reported approvingly on Dec. 7, Pearl Harbor Day. “Failure could trigger a severe investor reaction that again upends global markets.”
But given the current economic climate, this is not only going to be a hard sell in the United States, it is going to be impossible to impose on the European Union, which is struggling to avoid complete collapse.
During a European Union summit in Brussels dedicated to formally completing a “United States of Europe,” French President Nicolas Sarkozy told a colleague: “Our problems are here, in Europe.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel still refuses to pay the biggest bucks to bail out Greece, Spain and Italy unless they impose huge spending controls on themselves. All have been running big deficits for years while maintaining vast benefits such as guaranteed incomes and unlimited healthcare. The EU wants to penalize Germany for maintaining a strong economy, by extracting larger amounts of bailout money.
The European Union plans to “print money” by “contributing”—then withdrawing—funds to and from the International Monetary Fund, or IMF. Barack Obama said the United States will not contribute. But the United States provides the lion’s share of funding for the IMF, and this money comes from taxpayers’ pockets. Further discussions at an IMF meeting in February are planned.
Since 1975 AFP editor emeritus James P. Tucker Jr. has won widespread recognition for his reports on the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of Bilderberg Diary. Containing 272 pages, loaded with photos, the book recounts Tucker’s experiences over the last quarter century at Bilderberg meetings. $25 from AFP plus $3 S&H inside U.S.