• Bilderberg group will meet in Chantilly, Va. in late May
• Tucker heads to Memphis to attend two patriot rallies
By James P. Tucker Jr.
MEMPHIS, Tenn.—Hundreds of patriots were on hand for two consecutive rallies held in Memphis on April 27, one at noon and one in the evening. Many pledged to bring busloads of other like-minded advocates for American sovereignty to Chantilly, Virginia on the weekend of May 31 – June 3 to protest the annual meeting of the secretive Bilderberg group being held there.
Bilderberg will meet in Chantilly at the Westfields Marriott, a short distance from Dulles International Airport, some 30 miles outside Washington, D.C. Bilderberg previously met there in 2002 and then again in 2008.
A gathering of high-level figures from the elite ranks of global finance and industry in the self-interested sphere of influence of the plutocratic Rothschild and Rockefeller families, Bilderberg works to direct the course of world affairs, unimpeded by popular concerns, rightly raising the hackles of the kind of good patriots who gathered in Memphis.
In Memphis, those attending represented a wide array of patriot and civic organizations. The gathering was organized by a local man, James Stewart, a reader of AMERICAN FREE PRESS. This writer was on hand to speak, representing AFP.
Support for the maverick Republican presidential campaign of Representative Ron Paul (Texas) seemed unanimous, all expressing strong support for Paul’s call for all U.S. troops to be brought home to defend U.S. borders.
“I will vote for Ron Paul whether he is nominated or not. I will write his name in. I can’t stand the idea of either Obama or Romney as president,” said one. Many agreed.
Others argued that although Romney was bad, Obama had not illegally attacked Iran despite of Israel’s insistence, whereas Romney, if president, certainly would.
A recent poll of its readers by AFP found that many of those responding rejected the idea that Paul or any other third party candidate enter the fall election campaign, fearing that a split opposition vote would allow Obama to win reelection.
However, some critics of that proposition point out that, surprisingly, many national polls actually show that Paul has a stronger base of support among self-described “liberal” voters than among self-described “conservative” and “tea party” voters, suggesting that Paul would perhaps draw more votes away from Obama than from Romney.
James P. Tucker Jr. is the world’s foremost expert on the global elite. Tucker is AFP’s editor emeritus and the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary.