Mercenary Secrets Revealed

March 30, 2012 AFP 0

By Keith Johnson Did U.S.-based mercenaries in Libya assist in the assassination of Col. Muammar Qadaffi, the former leader of Libya? Recently hacked emails obtained by Internet whistleblower Wikileaks and the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar not […]

U.S. Puts Boots on Ground Across Africa

March 25, 2012 AFP 0

• Humanitarian relief efforts mask ulterior agenda By Richard Walker As the war in Afghanistan winds down, the Pentagon’s focus has shifted to Africa and a new kind of warfare, using drone and missile attacks, […]

Sheriff Joe: Obama Birth Certificate a Forgery

March 18, 2012 AFP 2

By Victor Thorn American citizens are losing confidence in the mainstream media, and as a result they increasingly turn their attention to other news providers. A perfect illustration can be found in the way alternative […]

Stand Up Barack

March 2, 2012 AFP 0

DON’T LET ISRAEL DRAG AMERICA INTO A WAR AGAINST IRAN By Victor Thorn If the Obama administration genuinely wanted to prevent a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities that could potentially lead to WWIII, it […]

Iran Pushed to Drastic Action

March 2, 2012 AFP 0

• Iranians will no longer accept U.S. dollars for their crude • Big problems predicted for dollar as global reserve currency By Pete Papaherakles The Tehran Times announced that as of March 20 the Iranian […]

Rothschilds Want Iran’s Banks

February 10, 2012 AFP 37

By Pete Papaherakles Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions […]

Gas—5 Bucks a Gallon?

January 27, 2012 AFP 0

• Wall Street set to profit at your expense from rising tensions in Mideast By Pete Papaherakles Could prices at the gas pump reach $5 a gallon by Memorial Day? Experts on oil believe that […]

7 Nations on Neocon Hit List

December 9, 2011 admin 1

By James P. Tucker Jr. Some 10 years before the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., top neoconservatives in the Pentagon orchestrated a major “policy coup” to start wars with multiple […]

Qadaffi Was Nationalist Hero, Not Villain

October 29, 2011 admin 0

By Peter Papaherakles On October 20, one of the last remaining populist world leaders, Muammar Qadaffi, allegedly was cut down by globalist thugs. The murderers patted themselves on the back for their achievement. What crimes […]

Military Supports Ron Paul Campaign

October 1, 2011 admin 0

By Mark Anderson While the corporate media keep throwing two gubernatorial bookends—Rick Perry of Texas and Mitt Romney of Massachusetts—in our collective face, as if they are the only Republican presidential candidates to consider worthwhile […]

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