Washington’s Anti-Russia Campaign

March 10, 2015 AFP 7

• D.C. leads charge to neuter world’s largest Christian nation. By Richard Walker — A new Gallup poll showing Americans see Russia as this nation’s public enemy number one has confirmed the extent to which […]

Obama’s Foreign Policy Same as Pro-Israel Neocons

March 9, 2015 AFP 10

• Researcher says mayhem in Mideast part of Israeli strategy. By Victor Thorn — After eight years of the George W. Bush administration’s neoconservative, interventionist foreign policy that got America entangled in two horrific wars, […]

Massive Gold Heists in Ukraine

January 12, 2015 AFP 5

By Richard Walker — Who controls Ukraine’s gold reserves, worth about $1.5 billion, remains one of the great mysteries of 2014. And if that is not bad enough for Ukrainians, evidence has emerged that the […]

U.S. Using Oil to Punish Russia

October 19, 2014 AFP 1

• Geopolitical machinations in the oil market benefiting Americans at the pump. By Dave Gahary — With its sanctions regime failing against Russia, is Washington now trying to wage economic war on the Russian government […]

Were Journalists Spying for the U.S. and Israel?

September 14, 2014 AFP 3

• Two Americans allegedly executed by IS militants may have been more than just mere journalists. By Ronald L. Ray — Videos of two American journalists working in Syria were released recently that purportedly showed […]

New Cold War America’s Goal?

August 4, 2014 AFP 1

• America has funneled more than $5 billion into Ukraine to amputate it from Russia. By Richard Walker — As the blame game over the downed airliner in Ukraine ratchets up, the truth about Western […]

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