People Demand Bank Reform

October 12, 2015 AFP 0

• Grassroots group rallies citizens against financial corruption. By Mark Anderson — READING, PA.—Americans from around the country converged on this struggling eastern Pennsylvania city on September 25 to demand banking reforms as part of […]

The Population Control Conspiracy

September 19, 2015 AFP 8

• New book by Jim Marrs exposes deadly corporate agenda against humanity. By John Tiffany — Does the world need population control, or does it need corporation control? According to Jim Marrs in his new […]

U.S. Art of War: Nuclear Weapons Legal

September 15, 2015 AFP 1

• New U.S. war manual OKs nukes, drones, lasers, civilian deaths, DU weapons. By Mark Anderson — In a lengthy new manual on war released over the summer, the Pentagon has officially authorized the use […]

Congress Attempts to Rein Itself In

September 15, 2015 AFP 0

• Legislation looks to bar ex-legislators from lobbying for special interests. By Mark Anderson — Former Senator Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) helped write the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act to supposedly rein in […]

Final Plank in the NWO

August 31, 2015 AFP 4

• Little known “TiSA” could solidify global governance. By Mark Anderson — The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the U.S.-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) will bring plenty of trouble if fully approved. The 12-nation […]

AFP in Texas for JADE HELM 15

August 5, 2015 AFP 4

By Mark Anderson — SEGUIN, Texas—This newspaper recently began an in-depth investigation into the widespread, nebulous United States military exercise named “Jade Helm 15.” According to the most convincing indications, the massive operation will focus […]

Help Derail Fast Track Trade Authority

June 2, 2015 AFP 0

By Mark Anderson — The real fight over granting United States President Barack Hussein Obama broad trade-promotion authority is in the House of Representatives. So don’t delay in giving your House member input by calling […]

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