By Maggie Rose McGrath
Most every news outlet, left or right, is twisting the facts and spinning the narrative that it was “Trump supporters” that “stormed” the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Jan. 6. The mainstream media is arousing the already emotionally charged public with inflammatory verbiage. Their so-called journalistic objectivity—with an alleged duty to report both sides of the issues—is in serious question, yet again.
To get an insider’s view of the events on Jan. 6, AFP has interviewed multiple attendees of that “Stop the Steal” event. While the names of those interviewed are real, some were hesitant to give their last names for fear of professional and political retribution.
“He never insinuated that we commit violence,” stated Debbie Myers of Fort Worth, Texas. “Trump said to us, ‘And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.’ No one there would have taken this to mean literally fighting.”
Case in point: Congressmen “fight” passionately with each other verbally in the legislature over differences of opinion. It is the First Amendment in action. We “fight” for our marriages. We “fight” for our children to be safe. And we verbalize our grief and outrage when any speck of evidence supporting the belief that the 2020 election was stolen is ignored or dismissed as unfounded conspiracy theory.
Diane Ledbetter (Texas) thought of the Neil Diamond song “Sweet Caroline,” and, in particular, the verse “Reaching out, touching me, touching you,” as she listened to the president’s speech. “He’s touched me like no president has in 81 years. I couldn’t walk to the Capitol, but I watched the proceedings on my hotel TV.” In that speech, President Trump ended on a positive note. “My fellow Americans, for our movement, for our children and for our beloved country . . . we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue . . . and we’re going to the Capitol and we’re going to try and give our Republicans, the weak ones (because the strong ones don’t need any of our help) the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So, let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all.”
Eyewitness accounts from people who were there—both Democrats and Republicans—explained what really happened.
Mitchell Holden stated for the record, “I’m a moderate Democrat. What I witnessed were not conservative supporters inciting violence. It was very irrational radicals that I knew to be Antifa. I saw few BLM [Black Lives Matter activists] there that day, or the day before. The same Antifa that I saw at other rallies were not dressed in what I had seen them wearing before. This time they weren’t in black. Some were wearing red [MAGA] hats backwards [to identify them from real Trump supporters]. We arrived at the Capitol before Trump finished speaking. I arrived there first, thinking they’d have an outdoor TV to see the inside proceedings. They didn’t.”
Jasmine K. told this reporter, “Don Jr. and Eric [Trump] gave their speeches. It appeared they were saying ‘goodbye’.” She went back to her hotel. Jasmine said, “I was tired and discouraged. I turned on the TV. I saw something happening at the Capitol. We got dressed again and went down there. People were coming toward us away from the Capitol. I believed that the president was going to go with us to the Capitol but figured they would not let him; it may not be safe. But I felt betrayed.” Jasmine continued, “When I arrived, I saw thousands of cops. A lot of people were being pushed around by them. The cops shot off flash bangs and I could taste what appeared to be pepper spray. The cops never said a word, only pushing us, never telling us that being outside was ‘unlawful.’ It was the Antifa who were the main aggressors.”
Michael Blumenthal of New Jersey, a member of the Walk Away Campaign, which, in the end, had more than 500,000 members, all former Democrats who could no longer support that party, stated, “I didn’t want to be caught in a rush when Trump ended his speech, so I started out before he’d finished. It’s about a 50-minute walk to the Capitol. I arrived and saw Capitol police pulling aside small barriers, ‘waving’ people through.” What I saw were leftist provocateurs. I am certain they were responsible for the actual violence occurring in front of me. It is so habitually dishonest for those media who say otherwise. I saw CNN was there, before the majority of Trump supporters arrived.”
Rick Brown of Nevada, also an eyewitness, saw supporters arrive. Then, suddenly, Brown related, “the left protesters became more irrational. They were obsessively trying to break out windows. Many of the Trump supporters tried to stop them.”
A video and accompanying article can, as of this writing, be found online, entitled “Trump Supporters Attempting to Stop People from Breaking into the Capitol.” The conservatives, according to reporter Bronson Stocking, were saying, “No Antifa, no Antifa.” This was heard by multiple people in the crowd, including the aforementioned Brown and Blumenthal. “As Antifa protesters broke windows into the Capitol,” Stocking related, “four Trump supporters were seen pulling the Antifa [agitators] back.” “In the video I watched, a Trump supporter was trying to physically restrain an individual damaging the doorway leading into the building,” added Stocking.
According to an unnamed source who preferred to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, “It is the people’s house. We didn’t want violence. It was Antifa and troublemakers. Some call them ‘Crisis Actors.’ We see the same ones following us from Trump rally to Trump rally. . . . I saw camera pictures of Nancy [Pelosi’s] purse and a cell phone left untouched. The note I was shown—the one left on her desk—said, ‘We will not back down.’ At the time, I was trying to help a man who appeared to be having a heart attack. Joe Rae Perkins of Oregon was praying over him. He sadly passed.”
What we saw in D.C. was no different than what we have seen across the nation: Antifa agitators trying to incite violence. I have attended dozens of Donald Trump rallies and I have personally seen Antifa members brutally attack peaceful gatherings of Christian patriots, including children, teenagers, and the elderly in Salem, Ore. among other towns. These people merely wanted to see their legislators in action at their state houses. People need to know the truth: Antifa is not some innocent collection of poorly organized “protesters.” They are amazingly well organized and vicious—and they are clever, more than once committing mayhem while in the garb of “Trump supporters.”
Maggie Rose McGrath is a retired 35-year U.S. Army veteran. She is a nurse, instructor, motivational speaker, and international radio show host and producer for Revolution Radio@freedomslips and talkstreamlive.
It would be nice if the main stream media would ask questions like, who besides the unarmed protester who was shot by police, was killed in the “insurrection”. They claim 5 people. But who were they, how did they die and where were they at the time this all happened. What caused their deaths, and were they actively involved or just at the speech, or just in the area? Has anyone verified the claim that the police officer that died actually died as a result of being struck by a fire extinguisher? Some may be angered by the asking, but that is what reporters and a free press are supposed to do, verify the stated facts, challenge the narrative and get the details. But no one is doing that. And also, who shot the unarmed protester, and why was she shot? These are all questions that people are asking, and deserve answers to.