Judge Will Rule on Arpaio Case Soon

July 14, 2017 AFP Editor 3

Attorneys for retired Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio are “highly optimistic” the lawman will get a favorable verdict in the Obama DOJ-carryover case against him. Arpaio has been charged with misdemeanor contempt of court for turning […]

Liberty Survivors Remember 50th

June 23, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Survivors of the brutal attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 gathered together, earlier this month, to honor the fallen and preserve the memory of what happened on that terrible day. By Dave Gahary NORFOLK, […]

U.S. Picks a Fight in Syria

June 21, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Not content to allow the Syrian war to wind down, the Pentagon and the CIA continue to escalate tension. Now, they’ve shot down a Syrian army jet bound for radical Islamic targets, which Russia declared […]

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