Life in the Marxist Age

February 2, 2019 AFP Editor 1

As political correctness continues its meteoric rise and career-lynchings increase, a university professor now faces firing after his spoof academic papers were published, fooling (then embarassing) leftists.  By Donald Jeffries Portland State University philosophy professor […]

Congressman Vilified for Comments

January 30, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The mainstream media are crying racism as they excoriate Rep. Steve King over trivial “politically incorrect” statements.  By Dr. Kevin Barrett Let me preface what I am about to say by disavowing all forms of […]

Globalists Unite Against Populism

January 27, 2019 AFP Editor 0

It’s not just America’s neoconservatives and radical left that are rooting for America’s failure; globalists are increasingly concerned the U.S. has lost its global way. Now, Western think tanks apparently need to “rediscover a sense […]

Will Immigration Bloodshed Continue?

January 26, 2019 AFP Editor 0

American citizens, including law enforcement officers, continue to be the tragic victims of sanctuary policies.  By John Friend Two recent tragic cases highlight the danger illegal aliens pose to U.S. citizens, particularly in so-called sanctuary […]

What Really Killed Rising Journalist?

January 21, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Young up-and-comingChristian conservative TV news personality and writer Bre Payton died in December, allegedly from a freakish case of swine flu and meningitis. Ms. Payton’s father has said, “We may never know” what caused her […]

Russiagate Collusion Theory Collapses

January 20, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Former mainstream journalist Michael Isikoff of Washington Post, Newsweek, and NBC News fame has clearly begun questioning the infamous Steele Dossier. Has the Russiagate collusion theory finally collapsed?  By S.T. Patrick Radio host John Ziegler was […]

U.S. Locked Into Endless Cycle of War

January 17, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Given the fact that Washington spends more on its military than the next 10 countries combined, says Phil Giraldi, the notion that U.S. isn’t spending enough on weapons is absurd. At what point will America […]

Corporate Madness the New Normal

January 15, 2019 AFP Editor 0

As the destruction of America’s retail sector continues, 3,800 stores are set to close in 2019. Don’t expect to see executive bonuses decrease, however. By Donald Jeffries Corporate America, along with pliable and ineffective politicians, […]

Feds Go After Bundys Again

January 14, 2019 AFP Editor 3

Rancher Cliven Bundy talked with Mark Anderson to update AFP readers on the feds’ continuing persecution of his family, on the front page of American Free Press Issue 3 & 4. Already a subscriber? Log in here […]

Finally: The Real Donald Trump?

January 3, 2019 AFP Editor 1

America-firsters should support the president’s move to end U.S. involvement in Syria. By Dr. Kevin Barrett Donald Trump won the 2016 Republican primaries in a landslide by speaking honestly about the disastrous wars in Iraq […]

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