1984: Disturbing Parallels

August 10, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Each day that passes makes Orwell look more like Nostradamus. By Mark Anderson When George Orwell (born Eric Arthur Blair in 1903), who passed away 70 years ago at the age of 47, wrote the […]

Lockdowns, Riots Crush Businesses

August 10, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Double whammy is crippling entrepreneurs of all races. By Donald Jeffries The economic fallout from the senseless shutdown of most businesses in America is beginning to manifest itself. By early May, it was estimated that […]

MLK Next to Be ‘Canceled’?

August 6, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By Larry Elder John Wayne’s 1971 Playboy magazine interview has placed the legendary actor in the crosshairs of today’s cancel culture social justice warriors. Activists demand that his name be removed from an Orange County, […]

Is Portland, Oregon America’s Future?

August 5, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Donald Jeffries Classical liberals and civil libertarians were once plentiful in this country. They fought for the rights of those who’d been denied them, and supported free speech for all. Unfortunately, what passes for […]

Cancel Culture

August 4, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Black, white, Asian, Latino: Disagree and you’re ‘canceled’. By Donald Jeffries Although the ongoing nationwide protests are ostensibly about black people being targeted and mistreated by police and our society in general, the racial logistics […]

Billionaires Abuse CARES Act

July 29, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Big corporations were ready to pounce on free money—and had the experts to do it. By Mark Anderson The most pitched, sustained societal battle of all has always been between populism and monopoly capitalism, at […]


July 27, 2020 AFP Editor 2

Communist bomber-turned-college professor pardoned by Bill Clinton has new purpose raising money for racist Black Lives Matter radicals. By John Friend One of the leading fundraisers for the Black Lives Matter movement is a radical […]

BLM, Antifa Team Up for Marxism

July 26, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Leftist media suppresses true agenda of budding revolutionary groups. By John Friend Black Lives Matter (BLM) and radical Antifa terrorists—the primary factions of the broader cultural Marxist assault on America being used to loot, destroy, […]

Save the Graffiti, Yank the Statues

July 18, 2020 AFP Editor 0

America’s limp-wristed response to violence sends a message of weakness. By Patrick J. Buchanan The Seattle Commune is no more. Declared three weeks ago by radical leftists as CHAZ, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, rechristened […]

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