AFP archived stories

Secret Plan by Putin, Obama to Strike ISIS?

September 28, 2014 AFP 5

• Obama seeks Putin’s help while McCain & Co. push for all-out ground war. By Richard Walker — In what has the potential to be the right way forward, President Barack Hussein Obama and Russian […]

Local Police Rejecting Free U.S. Military Gear

September 27, 2014 AFP 1

• Under pressure from locals, police departments across America start returning military hardware to Army. By Keith Johnson — Have Americans finally grown tired of watching their local peace officers transform into battle-ready soldiers? Throughout […]

Billionaires Bet on Market Crash

September 27, 2014 AFP 1

• Top money men dumping their stocks, seek hard assets before market crash. By Christopher J. Petherick — At least five billionaires have indicated that they are moving considerable sums of money out of the […]

“Nationalize the Fed,” says Monetary Expert

September 27, 2014 AFP 5

• American Monetary Institute president Stephen Zarlenga says Kucinich bill the solution. By Keith Johnson — Few would deny that predatory bankers have been feeding off the blood and treasure of the American people for […]

9-11, 13 Years Later

September 25, 2014 AFP 10

By Paul Craig Roberts — The tragedy of September 11, 2001, goes far beyond the deaths of those who died in the towers and the deaths of firefighters and first responders who succumbed to illnesses […]

New World Order on the Ropes

September 21, 2014 AFP 0

• Vote for independence splits Scotland 50-50; Globalists losing grip? By Ronald L. Ray — Should Scotland be an independent country? That is the question which a record number of Scottish voters will answer on […]

Take On Police State Now, Says Author

September 16, 2014 AFP 6

AFP BOOK REVIEW • Gutsy Virginian details raft of shocking police-state abuses. • Warns that checks on executive branch must be restored. By John Tiffany — Many spokesmen in the patriot movement make a habit […]

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