AFP archived stories

Anybody But Romney

February 1, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts who lost both the 2008 Republican presidential primary to John McCain and the 2012 presidential election to Barack Obama, has since stayed mainly out of politics. But now, […]

The Last Fed Chairman?

January 31, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Jerome Powell has his hands full as he steps into the role of Federal Reserve Chairman. Tireless monetary reformer and watchdog Ron Paul warns, “The economy may seem to have recovered, but the recovery is […]

Too Many Wars. Too Many Enemies.

January 30, 2018 AFP Editor 1

NATO is staring down “the worst crisis in its history,” says Pat Buchanan, and the U.S. decision on whether to stand with the Kurds against Turkish aggression or abandon the Kurds will determine if NATO […]

Arpaio Will Run for Senate

January 30, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Famed Arizona lawman “Sheriff Joe” Arpaio spoke with AFP about his upcoming campaign plans to run for the Arizona U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Republican Jeff Flake. He talks about his sole reason for […]

Earmarks Are Not the Problem

January 23, 2018 AFP Editor 1

The fact increasing numbers of legislators are “willing to vote against big government than in past years” is not because the practice of earmarks was ended but because “the liberty movement has led to more […]

Congress Reauthorizes NSA Spying on Americans

January 18, 2018 AFP Editor 4

Despite cautions from members of both the House and Senate that spying by the NSA threatens Americans’ security and liberty, both houses of Congress reauthorized essentially unrestrained surveillance when they passed the FISA Amendments Reauthorization […]

Ending Pakistan Aid a Two-Edged Sword

January 15, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Stopping the annual $1.3 billion “bribe” the U.S. has been giving Pakistan for years could spell trouble for U.S. efforts in Afghanistan. Without any allies on bordering the country, movements of equipment and supplies will […]

Little Rocket Man Wins the Round

January 12, 2018 AFP Editor 0

It would appear Kim Jong Un’s strategy has worked, and nuclear war has yet again been averted. Now, says Pat Buchanan, is the time to reconsider our longstanding obligation to defend South Korea. By Patrick […]

Victory for the Bundys

January 11, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Federal agents and prosecutors repeatedly lied and hid evidence during the Cliven Bundy legal proceedings, prompting Judge Gloria Navarro to dismiss the entire case with prejudice. The government is thus barred from prosecuting these patriots […]

What Is America’s Mission Now?

January 10, 2018 AFP Editor 2

America’s UN Ambassador Nikki Haley continues to make the U.S. look ridiculous and make public statements that do not agree with established U.S. foreign policy. When will President Trump rein her in or, better yet, […]

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