Russian Witch Hunt Never Ends

August 22, 2018 AFP Editor 2

What the mainstream is saying about “Russian spy” Maria Butina is fake news. By Phil Giraldi I am somewhat perplexed about the furor over alleged “Russian spy” Maria Butina, a 29-year-old Russian woman currently living […]

Presidential Rape Allegations

August 21, 2018 AFP Editor 1

The mainstream media cares only about the abuse of women if there’s a buck in it for them. That may explain why many don’t know about these alleged crimes by several American presidents. By Donald […]

Rather Covers for Fake News Media

August 17, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Not surprising to readers who watched the “dishonest rise and notorious fall” of Dan Rather, the fraudulent journalist is now blasting Trump and supporting the establishment’s lying press. By S.T. Patrick When the mainstream media […]

America’s Lengthening Enemies List

August 14, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Buchanan asks, “How many quarrels, conflicts and wars, and with how many adversaries, can even the mighty United States sustain?” Good question, given the list of conflicts in which we’re now embroiled. By Patrick J. […]

Soros Wants to Pick Supreme Court Judges

August 14, 2018 AFP Editor 0

In his attempt to keep Congress from confirming Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court justice, thus shifting the court away from its current progressive stance, the billionaire Bolshevik is dumping big bucks into smear campaigns […]

Trump Criticizes Bankers’ Policies

August 7, 2018 AFP Editor 0

President Trump has unnerved the powers-that-be by breaking an unwritten rule: He’s questioning the decisions of the parasites at the Federal Reserve. He will potentially fill six of the seven Fed governors positions by the […]

Blame Deep State for New Superweapon

August 6, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Russian scientists have wed a massive nuclear bomb with torpedo technology and artificial intelligence, and one an expert in nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), and cyber warfare is sounding the alarm. Dave […]

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