Libya Lies May End Up Haunting Hillary

February 22, 2015 AFP 0

• America was suckered by Mrs. Clinton about Qadaffi like they were by Bush about Saddam. By Victor Thorn — Hillary Clinton is no mystery. She desires power so badly that she is apparently willing […]

In South Africa, Black Power Means Power Blackouts

February 20, 2015 AFP 9

By Bill White — Question: What did South Africa use before candles? Answer: Electricity. Since November, Eskom, South Africa’s sole electric utility, has begun what all other previously White-owned organizations taken over by Black communists […]

‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Revived

February 15, 2015 AFP 3

By Mark Anderson — Officials on the national and regional levels of the Federal Reserve have developed a bad case of the jitters over renewed talk of auditing the Rothschild-owned-and-controlled United States central banking system. […]

Could Common Herbicide Be Behind Autism Rise?

February 15, 2015 AFP 1

• Poisons found in Monsanto’s weedkiller Roundup are ubiquitous in foods. • Could glyphosates be real culprit responsible for myriad health problems? By James Spounias — The mainstream media has its talking heads on full […]

Free Speech Debate Ignited Over Firewoman’s Firing

February 15, 2015 AFP 10

By Tarrah Baptista — Charlotte, North Carolina fire investigator Crystal Eschert was recently fired from her job for supposedly posting “offensive”  comments to her private Facebook page in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting. […]

George Soros: Marxist Manipulator

February 6, 2015 AFP 7

George Soros. Thought his influence waned? Wrong. He’s more powerful than ever. He proudly boasts of being the Rothschild banking family’s right-hand man and is listed as one of the world’s top Jewish plutocrats. His […]

Trips to ‘Pedophile Island’ Troubling

February 4, 2015 AFP 9

• Will Hillary have to cover up for her husband’s indiscretions once again? By Victor Thorn — In early January news broke around the world that former President Bill Clinton had traveled extensively with Wall […]

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