JADE HELM 15: Massive Military Exercise

June 1, 2015 AFP 10

By Dave Gahary — One has to be on guard when the mainstream media portrays everyone with an alternative view on just about anything as a “conspiracy theorist,” derisively of course. Take JADE HELM 15 […]

Pope Supports Palestinians

June 1, 2015 AFP 3

By Richard Walker — Pope Francis’s decision to sign a treaty recognizing the state of Palestine infuriated Israel and its backers in Congress and effectively added fuel to the global campaign to punish Israeli companies […]

Fight the Vaccine Madness

June 1, 2015 AFP 10

• Time to fight back against mandatory requirements for vaccinations. By James Spounias — There is an agenda afoot to ensure that every child who attends public school receive vaccinations as a requirement for admission. […]

Offshoring Killing Job Opportunities

May 31, 2015 AFP 2

• Bogus economic data props up markets. By Paul Craig Roberts — The April payroll jobs report is more of the same. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) claims that 223,000 new jobs were created […]

Liberalism: The Real Threat to Black America

May 26, 2015 AFP 1

• “Great Society” liberalism has nearly destroyed Afro-Americans. By Patrick J. Buchanan — Had Freddie Gray been robbed, beaten and left to die in the streets of his Baltimore neighborhood, no one would be mourning […]

Uncle Sam’s Personal “Terror Factory”

May 26, 2015 AFP 0

• New book documents how FBI built vast informant network to infiltrate Muslim communities and cultivate phony terrorist plots. By John Tiffany — If someone believes that most, or all, “terrorists” are invented and created […]

China Scheming to Topple U.S.

May 25, 2015 AFP 3

By John Tiffany — According to China expert Michael Pillsbury—author of a new book called The Hundred-Year Marathon—the Chinese secretly plan to supplant America as the world’s superpower by 2049. Pillsbury, who has worked with […]

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