If you’re still not convinced that Jews rule Hollywood with an iron fist, look no further than the career of devout Roman Catholic actor James Patrick “Jim” Caviezel.
Caviezel was a rising star until his portrayal of Jesus in Mel Gibson’s blockbuster The Passion of the Christ, which brought in over $400 million on a $30 million budget, but was labeled “anti-Semitic,” a code word for the truth hitting too close to home for the Jewish media masters.
“Since playing the son of God in the 2004 film he said offers had dried up and he is shunned by many within the industry,” only appearing “in a handful of films.”
So the next time you’re reminded that Jewish control of Hollywood is an “anti-Semitic canard,” remember Caviezel, and all the other personalities who made the “mistake” of getting too close to the truth for those in control of Tinseltown and beyond.
In 2 Kings 16:6, where the Jews are mentioned for the first time in the Scriptures, we find them fighting against Israel.
As I have mentioned frequently before, the cry of “anti-Semite” is ridiculous since the Semitic people have often fought with themselves down through the ages. It is improper to call those who are Semites “anti-Semitic,” although in truth, the Jews of today are the greatest anti-Semites of all ages, since they are persecuting the Arabs who are the true children of Abraham, while they are imposters.
People are not anti-Jewish because the Jew is Semitic (which he is usually not; for the majority of the Jews are Asiatic by blood and background), but because of Jewish behavior brought about through the teachings of their religious book the BABYLONIAN TALMUD. We should never consider the word JEW in either a racial or a religious sense.
There are all four races found among the Jews and there are great divisions found, as far as their religious tenets are concerned. You will find no Jews today who conform to the Old Testament. There is no blood shed for the remission of sins, as was taught in Lev. 17:11; Heb. 9:22. Some even teach that they do not sin; others state that they can atone for their sins by doing good and possibly 75% or more are either agnostic or outright atheists.
The vast majority of present day Jewry is made up of Jews from Eastern Europe, the ASHKENAZI JEWS who were known in the 8th Century AD as Khazars and who converted to Judaism, from heathen worship, en masse. They have no Abrahamic blood in their veins and their ancestors never lived in Palestine. All the major leaders of the Israelis from 1948 on, have been Ashkenazi Jews.
The Khazars were Japhethic people and were neither Semites or Hebrews. The American taxpayers have been spending millions of dollars every year to resettle these Russian Jews in the United States and to teach them Hebrew. (For an interesting and educational look at these people, read THE THIRTEENTH TRIBE, written by the Jewish writer, Arthur Kosetler.)
On p.17 of this book he says:
The large majority of Jews after World War II in the world, were of Eastern origin—and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan, but from the Volga; not from Canaan but from the Caucausus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race. Genetically, they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case, then the term anti-Semitic would be void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both killers and victims. The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.
Prof. A. N. Poliak, Professor of Medieval Jewish History at Tel Aviv University, published his book KHAZARIA in 1944, says:
“The descendants of this settlement (Khazars in Eastern Europe)—those who stayed there and those who emigrated to the United States, or went to Israel—constitute the largest majority of world Jewry.” (UNQ.)
Koestler closes his book with this statement:
“It is perhaps symbolic that Abram Poliak, who was a Jewish patriot, made a major contribution to our knowledge of Jewry’s Khazar ancestry, UNDERMINING THE LEGEND OF THE CHOSEN PEOPLE.” (UNQ.) (Emphasis mine.)
—Leviticus 18:22: King James Version (KJV)
Over 100,000 attend biggest gay pride parade in Israel
More than 100,000 people have joined the annual Gay Pride Parade in Tel Aviv on Friday, the largest event of its kind in the Middle East. The parade drew thousands of visitors from around the world. In the region where gays are often targeted and gay culture is not tolerated, Israel has emerged as one of the world’s most gay-friendly travel destinations in recent years.
Thank you, dear Lord. Please be merciful to us.
—Galatians, 4:16
Didn’t read it. You’re blocked.
The cultural Marxist Edomites/Khazars who call themselves “Jews” and who pretend to be Hebrews think they are the chosen ones because of a perverted genetic code, which is due partially to inbreeding, and partially to breeding with the slimiest filth they can find in every country they go to.
It’s a choice these people made many generations ago. In the Ashkenazi case, the choice was to adopt a religious ‘ideal’ based purely on political gain with no care for truth. That this religion was already corrupt and against divine natural law multiplied the degenerative effects. This continual refusal to see their own faults has turned them into the hideous creatures they are today.
Some typically “Jewish” physical traits were very obviously vestigial Neanderthal ones—generally a short stature and a plump physique, many very short wide-hipped and big-breasted women, extremely hairy men and a tendency toward beetling brows and large beaky “hooked” noses in both genders. Many Ashkenazim have crinkly-curly head hair tending toward dark reddish-brown or mahogany in color.
Among Ashkenazi “Jews” there is also a genetic tendency toward beaky faces, not only just noses, and big mouths (in more ways than one) that “wrap around” the lower face. Barbara Streisand and Julia Roberts provide two lovely and very well-known examples of how attractive this genetic trait can be. But these are not “Semitic” physical traits, they are Neanderthal physical characteristics.
And maybe some Neanderthal emotional and behavioral traits persisted among the Ashkenazim along with the physical ones.
Their “chosen people” pretension is a typical Neanderthal in-group obsession that is actually a genetic racist predisposition against all other humans. It is a genetically determined “us against them” mentality. Their higher level of known Neanderthal aggression against outsiders is responsible for their disproportional social influence wherever they have settled in the West.
Their men’s feelings of sexual inadequacy are a Neanderthal genetic legacy reflected in much more frequent confusion of sexual orientation than occurs among males of other Caucasian ethnic groups and other races. It has been the subject of too-numerous Jewish-authored books and screenplays, and Woody Allen’s work (and private life) is a very well-known example of this Jewish predicament.
This genetic Neanderthal psycho-sexual maladaptation has also bequeathed to Jews a tendency toward emotional instability and hysteria when they feel nervous or threatened… which is all the time when they are not in absolute control. And they are arrogant, but uneasy, even then. An ethnic symptom of this emotional instability is the Jewish tendency toward hypochondria. Even they cannot (yet) control death.
This unfortunate combination of high aggression combined with a tendency toward hysteria and emotional instability has proved to be a dangerous and tragic situation over the course of Western history. Their aggression encourages continual Jewish attempts to control societies, while the emotional instability makes it difficult for most Jews to distinguish reasonably between justified social criticism by their non-Jewish neighbors and attacks.
Insensitive even to objective concerns about inordinate Jewish influence in societies, and reacting with hysterical aggression to any such supposed “attack” on their behavior and pleas from non-Jews to limit it, Jews have always provoked violence against themselves. And then they, with much emotional satisfaction, feel victimized and attribute the situation to innate “antisemitism” among their neighbors.
If this actor was indeed blacklisted, as he claimed, why has he refrained from naming a single part, studio, film, producer, scriptwriter, agent involved in this supposed blacklisting?
If the Talmud (whether Jerusalem or Babylonian) contains such horrible ideas and interpretations, why the need to rely on an English translation of the debunked work from Czarist Russia “the Talmud unmasked” with its incorrect translations and interpretations and place references? An English translation of the Babylonian Talmud is available online.
If the Jews of today are supposedly a Turkish tribe, than obviously “the Jews” of today can bear no responsibility in the death of the Christian leader. However, since genetic studies show that Jews, no matter where they live today, have specific genetic markers dating them back thousands of years to the Middle East and that Kohanim may be traced some 3,000 plus years back to a single individual (Aaron according to the scriptures) why continue to argue that the Jews are not the same Jews of the Bible?
If “the Jews” are responsible for all the evils of communism, how can they also be responsible for all the evils of capitalism and socialism to the same degree? If communism is “Jewish,” why did the Jews suffer so horribly under communism?
If the Mossad was behind the Boston Marathon bombing and 9/11, if the Jews control all the banks, finances, the media and the American government, then why are there so many antisemitic and anti-Israel websites?
If it is important to check statistics regarding Ashkenazi Jews, then shouldn’t it be pointed out that statistically they have higher than average IQs, incomes, years of education, life expectancies and are 115 times more likely to win a Nobel prize in relation to their population? Is this because they are blessed by God or because they are Satan (and do Jews wear head coverings to hide their horns?)
Scientists have discovered that an Ashkenazi Jewish gene predisposes the chosen ones to a vastly increased chance of having schizophrenia, schizoaffecive disorder and manic depression. This gene raises the chances of an Ashkenazi Jew having such a disorder by 40%.
The study which concluded this was published in Nature Communications, and was conducted by the Jew University of Jerusalem Professor Ariel Darvasi and Jew Dr. Todd Lencz of the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in New York. The study was based on the DNA samples of 25,000 Askenazi Jews.
We do not need to speculate on this thread as to the reasons Dov Pollack and JC Lincoln (for example) are concealing the results of this study from everyone. They know all about it of course. The study was completed in 2013 and the implications were likely discussed in every synagogue throughout the world.
As I pointed out before, the cultural Marxist Edomites/Khazars who call themselves “Jews” and who pretend to be Hebrews are governed by their Talmud, and the Talmudic Law of Moserim prohibits all of them from informing on themselves or their fellow Marxist Edomites/Khazars to non “Jews.”
Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against unpleasant impulses by denying their existence in themselves, while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is full of hatred may constantly accuse other people of hate.
Projection tends to come to the fore in normal people at times of crisis, personal or political but is more commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic in personalities functioning at a primitive level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder.
Blaming the victim: The victim of someone else’s accident or bad luck may be offered criticism, the theory being that the victim may be at fault for having attracted the other person’s hostility.
Bullying: A bully may project his/her own feelings of vulnerability onto the target(s) of the bullying activity. Despite the fact that a bully’s typically denigrating activities are aimed at the bully’s targets, the true source of such negativity is ultimately almost always found in the bully’s own sense of personal insecurity and/or vulnerability.
Such aggressive projections of displaced negative emotions can occur anywhere from the micro-level of interpersonal relationships, all the way up through to the macro-level of international politics, or even international armed conflict.
Projection of general guilt: Projection of a severe conscience is another form of defense, one which may be linked to the making of false accusations, personal or political.
I haven’t seen any examples of “antisemitism” or Jew bashing here at all. All I have seen here are the usual anti-Christ and anti-Gentile posting of cultural Marxist hasbarats pretending to be that which they aren’t.
There is no need for you to be rude, Moshe.
There’s clearly not any of what you claim to be going on here.
You have nothing to complain about.
You must be on drugs. Your banter was so convoluted and condescending that it took two readings to make some kind of sense of it.
The best I cam figure is that you are your own self-proclaimed attack dog; you will disagree with whom you wish, you will attack whomever you choose….for whatever reason….even if only for your own amusement.
You may retreat back to your own reality now, we’ve all been properly denigrated in your eyes, I guess.
Have a good day and may God bless you.
You didn’t answer my question (of course).
I also pointed out on the 9th—”I find it amusing (and typical) herr Lincoln, how you’re trolling everyone commenting on this thread, speciously accusing people of being an anti-Semite or engaging in antisemitism, while ignoring or denying the fact of how the Edomites/Khazars themselves who call themselves “Jews,” are both anti-Christ and anti-gentile.”
You ignored that statement too (of course)—in favor of continuing to play your little game of “You’re the hater, but I’m/we’re not.” LOL
How Jewish.
You’re no Christian and you might as well stop claiming you belong to a “group of congregations.” A “network of synagogues that staunchly supports Israel” is about as close as you can come to the truth while adhering to…
Schabbouth Hag (6d): Jews may swear falsely by the use of subterfuge wording.
I haven’t seen any antisemitism here or any hate either except for the game-playing and dishonesty exhibited by you and your partner Dov Pollack. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you and Dov Pollack are one and the same hasbarat.
I know lots of Jewish people and they don’t think like you. I don’t think you’re Jewish….or if you are, I don’t know why you’d proudly display your Jewish name if you hate being Jewish so much.
So which book, the Talmud or the Mishnah, tells you to denigrate non-Jews like you do; calling people ‘herr’ and such?
Ya know what I think. I think you’re a CIA plant, simply trying to stir the pot and see how much ‘hate’ you can get to surface.
No hate here though—just pity.
God bless you
Szaaloth-Utszabot The Book of Jore Dia 17: A Jew should and must make a false oath when the goyim [non-Jew] asks if our books contain anything against them.
Schabbouth Hag (6d): Jews may swear falsely by the use of subterfuge wording.
Zohar (II, 43a): Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice.
Iore Dea (148, 12H): Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.
Rosch Haschanach (17a): Non-Jews souls go down to hell.
Is it any wonder why the Edomites/Khazars who call themselves “Jews” within the Zio clan media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOX or Hollywood constantly lies to Christians with their hate propaganda?
They are adhering to the dogma of hatred against non “Jews” found within the pages of their Talmud.
There’s ordinary dishonesty and then there’s this. Christians don’t even have a word for it, but the cultural Marxist does.
Talmudic law of Moserim prohibits Jews from informing on themselves or their fellow Jews to non-Jews.
Talmudic Kol Nidre prayer is sung by Jews on the eve of every Yom Kippur to absolve the lies they tell to gentiles (i.e. non Jews) whom Jews pejoratively refer to as goim or goyim.
Goim/Goyim means “cattle” or “dumb animal.”
Zohar (II, 43a) Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice.
Baba Kamma (113a) Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a gentile.
Babha Kama (113b) It is permitted to deceive Christians.
Iore Dea (148, 12H) Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.
Rosch Haschanach (17a) Non-Jews souls go down to hell.
This is one reason why the Jews whom you allege your “group of congregations staunchly supports” NEVER talks about their anti-Christian Talmud and/or its anti-Christian contents. And, it’s also one reason why nothing the Edomites/Khazars who call themselves “Jews” (or their idolatrous shabbos goys) say about anything can be believed or trusted.
I find it amusing (and typical) herr Lincoln, how you’re trolling everyone commenting on this thread, speciously accusing people of being an anti-Semite or engaging in antisemitism, while ignoring or denying the fact of how the Edomites/Khazars themselves who call themselves “Jews,” are both anti-Christ and anti-gentile.
Last Christmas you took out your remote control (refined and made practical by a Jew named Adler) and watched White Christmas. You are absolutely right that the film was made in a Jewish-run studio, the director was Jewish, the songs were written by someone born of a Jewish mother and Danny Kaye was indeed a member of the tribe.
Sorry Dov, the remote technology came from Tesla, your Jew Adler may have refined it, but it was not invented by him. You can have White Christmas, I never liked that movie, nor did I think it was Christian in any way, so the fact that it was pretty much Jew created on all levels makes sense.
Jews are also involved in the making of your other favorite Christmas films such as It’s a Wonderful Life. Afterwards you sat around singing your favorite Christmas songs. Here, too, you may blame the Jews.
Well, Frank Capra was Catholic and Jimmie Stewart was no Jew, so not sure what your point is. Maybe the producer was Jewish, so what? I do know that Capra did make that god awful Why We Fight lying propaganda film, but still not a Jew.
The top 10 secular Christmas songs were all written exclusively by Jews or in partnership with Jews.
Exactly, what better way to get Christians to think of Christmas in a trivial way, and not take it seriously. They are doing the same thing with marriage by shoving gay marriage down our throats.
You can rightly blame the Jews for the war in Pacific ending in August, 1945.
Ahh, you failed to mention that the technology used was the most barbaric and satanic form of death and destruction ever used on human beings. This is a tired myth that Japan would not have stopped if it were not for the A-bombs dropped, a complete lie.
You can blame the Jews for eradicating polio in the 1950s.
Sorry, but no, polio was on the way out anyways. Vaccines have no real scientific efficacy anyways. They do make people a lot of money, and that of course is appealing to Jews.
The Jews, though minuscule in numbers, are indeed ubiquitous and dominate in all fields of human endeavor, scientific, technological and intellectual. Whether you are at home, in the car, at the office or at a hospital, you will be using and coming into contact with things that improve the quality of your life and that Jews are to blame for.
Thank God you did not mention Einstein, one of the biggest frauds of the 20th century. It is a proven fact that he stole his theory of relativity from Henri Poincare.
Just look what Jews did following the Boston Marathon bombing in April, 2013. Top Israeli police officers on way to a conference in New York immediately diverted to Boston to render assistance. Despite the massive amount of causalities, hospitals absorbed the wounded efficiently thanks to previous training by Israeli experts. The “Israel bandage” helped to save lives. Israeli software allowed the swift identification and following of the bomber despite hours of surveillance tapes. Israeli volunteers provided psychological counseling to traumatized victims. Some 200 Israel tech companies in Massachusetts provide some 6,600 hundred jobs and contribute some $12 billion directly and indirectly to the state’s economy. Blame the Jews and blame the Jewish state.
This makes complete sense, since there is strong evidence that entire Boston Marathon bombing was conducted by the Mossad, how appropriate that you end with this.
Nice to make your acquaintance. I would never claim that God abandoned the “the Jews.” As to ‘god’s chosen people’ (with a small ‘g,’ I wouldn’t agree with that either.) The Jewish people are God’s chosen people, not haSatan’s. As for the reasoning, sorry but we’d have to meet face to face, it’s involved and personal and arm’s length conversing is too safe and cheap.
I am not Jewish, of course. You may classify me as a shabbos goy if you like, though I don’t keep shabbat as you probably do. As for a hasbara agent, no, I am not part of any organization to support or promote Israel. I do so from believing what God said (‘o’ left inserted on purpose) to do. That may make me sound much like a hasbara agent, but I’m not affiliated with any group except our group of congregations which are staunch Jewish and Israel supporters, to the extent of financial, vocal and support through participation in Jewish events, such as Yom haShoah, Yom haAtzmaut, Israeli Scouts and numerous others. Oh, and I don’t observe Talmudic Law. (a bit like ‘20 questions,’ isn’t it? pardon my fun)
As for that the passing there…..
I do believe there is a cabal of Jewry that has been and still is sinister in its devices. But I question whether you really believe all that you’ve claimed and agreed to the historical anti-Semitic tripe. It puzzles me. Nevertheless, glad to have met you.
“Jews totally run Hollywood,” Stein proudly admits. He then goes on to provide a long, long list of Hollywood media chieftains—all Jews!—to prove his point. On his list: Fox News President Peter Chernin; Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad Grey; Walt Disney CEO Robert Igor; Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton; Warner Brothers Chairman Barry Meyer; CBS CEO Leslie Moonves; MGM Chairman Harry Sloan; and NBC/Universal Studios CEO Jeff Zucker.
That’s just the top brass at the studios. Then there are the actors and entertainers—predominantly Jews, from Barbara Streisand and Gwyneth Paltrow to Adam Sandler to Ben Stiller. Jew…Jew…and Jew again. As Stein wryly remarks, even the head of the actors’ union, the Screen Actors Guild, Alan Rosenberg, is a Jew.
“The Jews are so dominant,” writes Stein, “I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles in high positions at entertainment companies.” “But lo and behold,” Stein says, “even one of that six, AMC President Charles Collier, turned out to be a Jew!”
“As a proud Jew,” says Joel Stein, “I want America to know of our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood.”
“Hey, we ARE god’s chosen people. It’s just most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer.”—(Rabbi Abe Finkelstein)
Shabbos goy:
Originally, a non-Jew who does work on Sabbath that a Jew cannot do. In modern times, it is a non-Jew who toadies to the every wish and whim of the Jews, especially in politics, or a non-Jew who is heavily supportive of Israel.
Tell us, reb Lincoln? Are you a hasbara agent or are you a shabbos goy? Will you be violating the Talmudic Law of Moserim by answering my questions?
Nice try. I was put on the opposite side of debate, the side arguing that the Jews were abandoned by God and I used those lines in Revelation. I was arguing against what I already knew to be correct, however.
Remember: did Yeshua call Peter Satan? Yes, He did, huh? But was Peter really Satan? No, but was suggesting something contrary to God’s plan. Thus it is with the Jews, even today, though they Are God’s Chosen People, they are not doing what God said to do but offering and wanting things that God does not sanction. But God is not abandoning them…just like He didn’t abandon Peter.
Also: the second reference to synagogue of Satan refers to an organization in our day. Remember, Yeshua is speaking to believers. Yeshua is speaking to believers in our day that hold to a wayward doctrine and deny the Deism of Christ. So can you guess what group today has prostituted the gospel in that way? If you guess the Catholic Church, you’d be correct. In Yeshua’s day the word ‘church’ had not come into being yet, so He simply called it by the usual word used for when people congregated—’synagogue.’
Thanks for the info. I’m not surprised, however. I’ve known for a long time that per person, Israel gives more to charities than any other group in the world.
I wonder how much these nationalities of the anti-Semites on this blog give. I’d really like to know.
You should change your name. You’d make a terrible Jew. A disgrace to the race!
Actually you are the proto-typical anti-Semite. Every dastardly thing that anyone has ever linked to the Jews, you swallow with glee.
Oh, let’s not talk about czars or cannibal dictators or head-chopping ISIS. Let’s just stick to all the lies that everyone has ever told about JEWS! They steal children to make their special challah bread, they started the Bubonic plague, they’re secretly planning to take over the world.
I begin to wonder if any other nationality EVER do ANYTHING evil. Did anyone else ever have slaves? Of all the nationalities in the world, can it really be that a group comprising .04% of the world’s population can have accomplished so much of the world’s evil so as to make the rest of the world look like a bunch of Saints?
Does that even sound plausible?
Only a proto-typical anti-Semite would say ‘yes’ to that.
Ironically, every injustice and horror you brought up was initiated or sponsored by Jews. Both the Transatlantic and Islamic slave trades were DOMINATED by Jews. In the U.S., 75% of slave owners were Jewish. The Muslim slave trade you mention, which you said enslaved four times as many Africans, was dominated by Jews working in the Ottoman Empire and in East Africa.
Communism was created by Jews, and all Communist movements have been dominated by Jews. You have to be a shill JC, because there is no way you could really be a reader of the American Free Press and not know about that. The genocides under both Mao and Stalin were run by Jews; Mao had Jewish advisors, mentors, and financial backers. The role of Jews in Stalin’s genocides is so well documented that I won’t even bother to go into it here.
The conflicts during the crusades were often the result of Jews playing Muslims and Christians against each other, similar to what’s going on today. For example, Jews worked with the Moors who invaded Spain, and the Ottoman Turks who destroyed Byzantium and Eastern Europe. Today, European Jews are the driving force behind pushing for Islamic immigration into European countries, all the while getting sympathy for Islamic threats against Israel.
You can go on all you want about “antisemitism.” It’s a hollow and meaningless accusation at this point, leveled against anyone who tells the truth.
Nepal is overrun with Israeli backpackers. There is also a big Israeli surrogate mother industry in Nepal. Just Google: Israel + Nepal + surrogate mothers
Still nothing about the passing of Michael Collins Piper?
Outdated news stories and ridiculous theories about crisis actors. What the hell happened to the AFP?
30% of the international medical team in Nepal is from Israel.
We are expecting and waiting for the U.N. to condemn Israeli’s disproportionate response which only serves to show prove the lack of compassion of all other countries in the world.
NO, you’re just like every other anti-Semite trumpeting Satan’s line.
What’s really unfortunate is that there are people who, in 2015, are still asking everyone to ignore negative Jewish influence over our economies, governments, morals, and societies, all in the name of political correctness. People are waking up and are tired of allowing their countries and lives to be destroyed. More and more decent Jewish people are talking about these problems, and trying to distance themselves from what is being done collectively in their name. Hitler did not hate Jewish people because he was some sort of mindless racist. Over 10,000 Jews who were loyal to Germany actually fought for Hitler. The truth is that he opposed Jewish supremacism and Jewish-led anti-Christian Communism, and the horrible impact it was having on the world, and especially Germany. That impact continues to this day, in Palestine, and in every country in this globalized world, especially Western nations.
But they never look at themselves as contributing to any of the world’s problems. Neither did Hitler.
They never consider that it was THEY THEMSELVES THAT BELIEVED THE BODACIOUS LIE THAT WAS REPEATED OVER AND OVER AGAIN, and that it was they themselves have become the outwitting fools that are the loudspeakers for the tyrants of the world, YES, SATAN’S TYRANTS on the continual tirade since the Beginning chapter of the Bible which tells us how Satan deceived humanity.
—Willis Carto
This multi-meaning mystery term, “antisemitism” is a Jews only defense and out and it’s getting weaker and more tired by the minute. More and more people world over are discovering what these very nasty, dishonest, satanically cunning Jewish supremacist vipers are all about.
Sanhedrin 59a: “Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.”
A Talmudist hasbara agent would have us believe goyim = nation[s]. ( LOL)
Now let me get this straight. If I replace the word “nation” in my post it will read…
“Murdering a nation is like killing a wild animal.”
I don’t think it fits!
Here’s another charming tidbit from the Talmud:
Baba Mezia 114a-114b: Non-Jews are Not Human. Only Jews are human. (“Only ye are designated men”).
I could care less what the whitewashed Ziopedia definition of goim/goyim says. Anyone is free to look up the word themselves.
You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators.
—Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Things haven’t changed much since Aleksandr’s time.
Jewish law permits a person to lie in two instances: in order to save a life or in order to preserve domestic tranquility. So in the example of whether you can lie to a Nazi about hiding Jews, in Jewish law the moral and correct thing is to lie in order to save the lives of those being hidden by preventing their murder by the Nazi. If your wife asks you if something she’s wearing makes her look fat, you are not required to be brutally honest—this is the exception of domestic tranquility.
There is no difference in these rules whether a Jew or a Gentile is involved. Nor is it acceptable to steal from either a Jew or a Gentile. See the following link which should clear up your incorrect Talmudic interpretation.
Talmudic Kol Nidre prayer is sung by Jews on the eve of every Yom Kippur to absolve the lies they tell to gentiles (i.e. non Jews) whom Jews pejoratively refer to as goim or goyim. Goim/Goyim means “cattle” or “dumb animal.
Jews May Lie to Non-Jews
Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.
This is one reason why Jews NEVER talk about their Talmud and/or its contents and it’s also one reason why nothing Jews say about anything can be trusted.
That Caviezel and Gibson have both been blacklisted are all the proof you need…if it wasn’t true, they’d still be working and Gibson wouldn’t be scorned and ridiculed to this day.
No, the Jews DO run Hollywood…what they don’t like is the fact that Non-Jews KNOW THIS.
The first is that the movie was about Christ. That is a strict no-no an industry with Talmudic Jewish influence (note the distinction between Jew who follow the Talmud versus Jews who follow principally the Torah—they themselves are often vilified by the Talmudic Jews. For some reason Talmudic Jews are completely hostile to Christ and Christian values. It takes various forms not the least is the undermining of Christian heterosexual values and the various attacks on Christmas and related Christian religious holidays (especially Easter).
The second reason for the attack against Mel Gibson was the hatred of the narrative of the movie “Passion of the Christ.” In Hollywood, it is only Jewish narratives which can be pushed, and we see numerous films vilifying Nazis and the German people for the narrative which we otherwise call “the holocaust.” One must accept “the holocaust” as religion and must pay credence to the “the holocaust” narrative without ever questioning that narrative, yet at the same time we must never posit an alternative narrative that pierces carefully crafted Jewish victimology in the form of the Passion of the Christ narrative where the Pharisees were responsible for the killing of Christ. Wandering off the plantation of acceptable Hollywood bride of Frankenstein narratives (holocaust narrative truthful and good, Christian narrative false and bad), winds up having the control freaks descend on you to your detriment (note the carefully crafted mainstream media attack on Mel Gibson even today as a vicious “anti-Semite”). It’s rather amazing that the sheep still fall for this bullsh*t.
Third, Mel Gibson distributed his movie (to great success and profit) without reliance on the Russian (Jewish) mafia which has a controlling interest in movie distributorship.
Thus, Mel Gibson was viciously attacked for three perceived threats to the Talmudic Jewish control of Hollywood—and he paid for those threats with a breakdown in his public persona.
Perhaps some of the diatribe against Mel Gibson rubbed off on Caviezel.
Israel/Jews = Synagogue of SATAN
Its true he’s made a comeback recently with his hit show “Person of Interest.” The is highly-rated, largely because of Jim’s popularity and role. Hollywood Jewish insiders may not like Jim personally because of his Christianity, and they did punish him for a while, but money talks for these people, so that’s why they’re still letting him work.
Satan contended for the body of Moses, which are the people of Moses, they who rejected the Messiah, for even Moses and Elijah representing the Law and Prophets handed themselves over to the Christ at the mount of transfiguration, this is but to know as to who leads these so called Jews gathered in freemasonry. Now it is prophesied of the day when Michael will stand up for his people whose names are written in the book of life which book is clearly the Lamb’s book hence the people referred to are the Spiritual Israel. To know that God is not to be mocked at, for he always has the last laugh, surely not Hollywood and its false Jews.
All you have to do is check imdb.com to see he’s had about a dozen film roles of varying prominence since playing Jesus Christ, as well as starred in a high profile miniseries, the remake of “The Prisoner”; and a TV series that’s earned critical approval and was just renewed for its fifth season, “Person of Interest.”
You could make the argument that Caviezel hasn’t made the leap to movie star status, but a ton of actors don’t and settle for a good, solid television career. Caviezel is a successful, professional working actor. Nobody’s out to get him. Relax.
If this is too much for people of today, regardless of nationality, then it’s only because they don’t want to hear what THE TRUTH has to say to them. But it was the same 2,000 years ago. The trouble is, today there are over 10 million books written about Jesus/Yeshua.
You see, HE was Jewish, and there are numerous rabbis today who secretly agree that the things HE said are the most astounding things they’ve ever heard, yet they rather choose their position and power rather than what they secretly know is THE TRUTH. To you I say, You choose the ways of Man rather than the Way of God. Jesus/Yeshua was the most ‘Jewish’ person who ever walked the Earth.
And there are those rabbis who immediately dismiss the evidence for Yeshua without even listening to it. To you I say, Isaiah rightly said of you 2,500 years ago, ‘you have ears but you don’t hear,’ and you would refuse to listen to God even if HE came today, because You don’t want the Messiah. You don’t want what God says mankind needs…a Savior. You’re gonna reach God and heaven with your own repetitious prayers and incantations. How INSOLENT that the thing created could shape the Hand of the Creator.
But the most amazing thing has happened. God has still left THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE open to you. Still today….but as in the Ark of Noach, one day He is going to close the door.