Hysterical leftists condemn a women’s group, which organized one of the recent women’s marches on New York City, for demanding rights for women of all races. Here’s more about the organization working for the advancement of all women—regardless of race, religion, creed, or party affiliation.
By Tilton Adler
On Jan. 19, neither frigid winds nor freezing temperatures could prevent 200,000 activists from gathering near Central Park West for the third annual Women’s March Alliance (WMA) rally in New York City. Demonstrating for the advancement of all women—regardless of race, religion, creed, or party affiliation—this particular women’s march was a welcome alternative to the women’s demonstrations organized by the far left that news cycles would lead you to believe are the only scene in town.
Ironically, elsewhere in the city—scheduled intentionally to compete with the WMA rally—Women’s March Inc. (WMI) gathered to present to the media the image of radical, shrieking women that so many in America have grown accustomed to seeing.
What this meant was that two different marches were held by two very different organizations—yet they were presented to the viewing public as being one event. It’s no wonder there is rampant confusion surrounding today’s women’s rights movement.
WMA represents conservative women and men who feel that liberals and the WMI have gone way too far to the left. Perhaps an unintended consequence of the #MeToo movement, many supporters are increasingly frustrated with fringe progressives and in-your-face radical liberals who have largely characterized the women’s movement to end sexual harassment, among other issues. Instead of demonizing long-accepted gender definitions and painting all men as evil, WMA’s goal is to represent those who feel their voices have been drowned out by the radical left.
Protesters’ signs ranged from “Why I March: Corruption-Racism-Climate Change-Human Rights” to “No One Is Free When Others Are Oppressed.”
The organization is being spearheaded by Katherine Siemionko, who was raised in a conservative Christian household, which voted for Trump. She is university educated and has 15 years of experience in corporate America as a former vice president with Goldman Sachs.
In 2017, Siemionko organized the first Women’s March on New York City and shortly thereafter left behind the oppressive corporate glass ceiling to form the non-profit WMA.
Yet, despite her experience and fervent work advocating for all women’s rights, she has faced heavy criticism from the activist left for being a white woman and has even been accused of not standing for “real” women, as she “can’t understand their strife.”
Siemionko responds to this false assertion in a video interview with news and commentary website “Vice News”: “We have to stop looking at each other as skin colors. . . . I see that as a copout, the moment you say, ‘You’re white; therefore, you’re racist.’ . . . It’s overly politically correct. Your speech is inhibited by this concept that any words you say may offend somebody. If we continue to nitpick, we will never advance as a society. The left has to stop eating itself.”
This hasn’t stopped the radical leftist WMI from continuing to attack WMA. In what has become a “she said/she said” social media battle, the women’s movement in general has been accused of petering out, of becoming distracted, and of losing focus.
WMA refutes this accusation and notes the mainstream media is doing more harm than good by reporting only on the hysterical, far-left organizers as if they represent all women.
The future remains uncertain for the WMA, but Siemionko says she will likely organize the 2020 march to coincide with International Women’s Day and hopes to end the political partisanship that has been associated with the movement.
Siemionko believes there is room for conservatives and liberals in this movement with no strings attached.
Tilton Adler is a freelance author based in Florida.