UN Gun Treaty a Threat

April 11, 2013 AFP 0

• Worldwide control of all guns is ultimate objective of UN weapons summit By Jeffrey Smith NEW YORK, N.Y.—The United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT 2013) concluded in early April with a […]

Free State Sheriff Stands Against Gun-Grab Laws

April 10, 2013 AFP 0

 • Sheriff Mike Lewis doesn’t agree with governor about firearms By Pat Shannan When a Maryland sheriff called a town meeting in mid-March to tell his constituents of his stand against Governor Martin O’Malley’s proposed […]

Close Gitmo Now

April 10, 2013 AFP 1

• “War on Terror” icon—Guantanamo Prison—a costly mess The United States Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba has been called “the most expensive prison in the world,” costing U.S. taxpayers nearly $200M annually to maintain. […]


March 27, 2013 AFP 1

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Sussex County, Delaware Sheriff Jeffrey S. Christopher has been thrust into an unenviable position. He’s being forced to defend, to the death, the oath he swore to the United States Constitution, against […]

Iraq: The Colossal Failure

March 27, 2013 AFP 0

• Ten years later, the worst imaginable scenarios have played out: Iraq wrecked, U.S. bankrupt During a March 14 interview, AMERICAN FREE PRESS spoke with Erin Evers of Human Rights Watch. In the past, she […]

Murder-Suicide or Black Op Hit?

March 20, 2013 AFP 0

• Former NSA officer says he is “100% certain” whistleblower assassinated for publishing truth By Pat Shannan Did retired United Airlines captain and 9-11-truth author Philip Marshall really murder his two teenaged children, along with […]

Was Hugo Chavez Assassinated?

March 20, 2013 AFP 0

By Pete Papaherakles In the wake of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s death at 58 years of age from cancer, many are wondering if he was actually assassinated. Was his disease contracted through natural causes, or […]

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