• Former NSA officer says he is “100% certain” whistleblower assassinated for publishing truth
By Pat Shannan
Did retired United Airlines captain and 9-11-truth author Philip Marshall really murder his two teenaged children, along with the family dog, before shooting himself in the head, as Calaveras County, California Sheriff Gary Kuntz has alleged? Or could this have been a “black op hit,” as former United States National Security Agency officer Wayne Madsen claims after spending a week investigating the scene?
The sheriff’s office contends that Marshall, who was right-handed, had been so despondent over his impending divorce that he shot his 14-year-old daughter Micaila and 17-year-old son Alex before shooting himself in the left temple. Police say all of the shots were fired from a gun that was found at
the scene.
But some people are not buying it. Several neighbors reported to Madsen that they heard no gunshots at the supposed time of the killings. Also, they say a side door Marshall seldom used was found wide open when the bodies were discovered, four days after the incident.
According to Madsen, the crime scene had been cleaned up by “professionals the first day,” and there was also an SUV outside the home, license plate undetermined, with “an array of communication antennae bristling from the roof.” Neighbors told Madsen the SUV had a “State of California” sticker on it to further suggest “official” complicity.
When asked about this, the sheriff’s press spokesman would neither confirm nor refute that the cleanup was authorized and told AMERICAN FREE PRESS they would not answer any direct questions at this time, saying it would be another two weeks before the report would be released.
Marshall’s friends say he was not “distraught” over his divorce and that there was no way that he could ever have killed his kids that he loved so dearly. Madsen said he could not find anyone who believed Marshall had done it.
Closely linked to intelligence agencies, Marshall had apparently flown with the infamous Clinton-Mena drug-running pilot Barry Seal 30 years ago. He had observed covert operations and had decided to blow the whistle in recent years.
Marshall had believed so strongly that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney had fomented a government coup with the 9-11 attack that he wrote a book about it, titled The Big Bamboozle. In it, he said, “The true reason the attack was successful was an inside military stand-down and a coordinated training operation that prepared the hijackers to fly heavy airliners. We have dozens of FBI documents to prove that this flight training was conducted in California, Florida and Arizona for 18 months leading up to the attack.”
Marshall’s book also maintains that the media flood of distorted facts allowed Bush and Cheney to sidetrack the U.S. justice system “by trying the 9-11 case with media propaganda and outside the American federal court system. The official version about some ghost (Osama bin Laden) in some cave on the other side of the world defeating our entire military establishment on U.S. soil is preposterous.”
In his upcoming fourth book, Marshall had intended to disclose what he called “blockbuster information that could sign my death warrant.”
Pat Shannan is an AFP contributing editor and the author of several best-selling videos and books.