Syrian Showdown: Trump vs. the Generals

April 6, 2018 AFP Editor 4

Yet again, President Trump’s appointees are disagreeing with him, this time on his desire to bring U.S. troops back home from the Middle East. “It’s time,” he says. Centcom commander Gen. Joseph Votel and Defense Secretary […]

Is Trump Assembling a War Cabinet?

March 30, 2018 AFP Editor 3

It would seem President Trump does not remember the history Candidate Trump seemed to understand, given his choices of cabinet members who support war and more war and seem intent on bombing Iran—sooner than later.  […]

American Traitors Incite Treason in Iran

February 24, 2018 AFP Editor 5

Despite the Founding Fathers’ admonition to enter “entangling alliances” with no foreign nations, “the U.S. has strangled itself in a cat’s cradle of entangling alliances,” says Kevin Barrett. As a result, the nation is mired in […]

Barack’s Big-Ticket Boondoggle

February 19, 2018 AFP Editor 2

The planned Obama presidential library in Chicago, dubbed “Obamaland,” is an extravagant waste of taxpayer dollars, in a city that is already at the financial breaking point. And do W’s signed baseballs or Walt Disney […]

National Defense Strategy Is Offensive

February 5, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Defense Secretary James Mattis recently delivered “bombastic” remarks on the U.S.’s new National Defense Strategy report, which former spook Philip Giraldi calls “occasionally . . . actually delusional” and “bizarre.” His remarks have again revealed […]

Too Many Wars. Too Many Enemies.

January 30, 2018 AFP Editor 1

NATO is staring down “the worst crisis in its history,” says Pat Buchanan, and the U.S. decision on whether to stand with the Kurds against Turkish aggression or abandon the Kurds will determine if NATO […]

Who Wants War With Iran?

January 5, 2018 AFP Editor 1

The consequences of a U.S. war with Iran would be devastating, so why is Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley indicting Iran in a recent missile fired at a Saudi airport? It would appear the […]

Is the West Facing a Forever War?

June 7, 2017 AFP Editor 1

Random killings of people on the streets, completely unknown to the murderer, has become the latest brand of Islamist terrorism now haunting the West with increasing frequency. When will imams worldwide join together to condemn this […]

The Rise of the Generals

April 28, 2017 AFP Editor 2

What happened to the Donald Trump who campaigned for president, the one who embraced an anti-interventionist foreign policy for the U.S. under a Trump administration? Whose path is he now following, and how have the […]

Will Christianity Perish in Its Birthplace?

April 17, 2017 AFP Editor 3

“Liberated for democracy” by the U.S., Afghanistan is now among the world’s most deadly when it comes to persecution of Christians. In Iraq and Syria, which once tolerated and even embraced Christians, hundreds of thousands are now fleeing for their […]

Is Trump Enlisting in the War Party?

April 11, 2017 AFP Editor 5

President Donald Trump, supported in large part because of his campaign promise to keep the U.S. out of foreign wars, seems to be marching to the beat of the warmongers rather than his electorate. Has he […]

Isis Is Us

March 18, 2017 AFP Editor 0

Isis Is Us: The Shocking Truth Behind the Army of Terror Did the “Islamic State” spring full-blown into spontaneous being as the fanatical scourge of the Middle East, or was it helped along by state […]

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