Sanctions Are an Act of War

August 24, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By S.T. Patrick The White House has announced new sanctions against Cuba due to the response the Cuban government took to stop protests. Joe Biden said Cuba had responded to the protests “with violence and […]

War on Terror Comes Home

February 1, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Ron Paul Last month’s massive social media purges—starting with President Donald Trump’s permanent ban from Twitter and other social media platforms and outlets—was shocking and chilling, particularly to those of us who value free […]

Rand Paul Blasts NDAA, Perpetual War

January 12, 2021 AFP Editor 0

Neoconservatives, Democrats join forces to keep troops in Iraq, Afghanistan forever. By S.T. Patrick Though it can make them unpopular with the party chieftains who disperse appointments and committee assignments like graft amongst the cronies, […]

Democrats Showing Their True Colors

December 22, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Expect a Biden administration to focus on race, more foreign intervention. By Phil Giraldi It has already been widely recognized that what is likely to be the incoming Joe Biden administration is going to be […]

Biden Picking Former Obama Loyalists

December 20, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By S.T. Patrick The first wave of criticism aimed at Joe Biden’s appointments didn’t come from the political right. It came from the “Justice Democrats.” Justice Democrats’ Executive Director Alexandra Rojas said in a statement, […]

Russia & Turkey Heading for War?

October 29, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Christian Armenia and Muslim Azerbaijan may become battleground for Putin, Erdogan. By Richard Walker There is potential for Russia and Turkey to square off in a proxy war in the Caucasus where they are on […]

A Most Consequential Presidency

September 29, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Trump singlehandedly transformed the Republican Party into a middle-class party. By Patrick J. Buchanan Donald Trump’s presidency has already altered the entire orientation of his party. This was on clear display at the Republican National […]

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