By Mark Anderson
WATFORD, U.K.—Credible United Kingdom sources are saying that a new global tax appears to be a high priority for Bilderberg attendees who once again are colluding behind closed doors, while circled by well-armed security, here at the Grove Hotel June 6-9, some 18 miles outside of London. And the global tax idea appears destined to carry over to the 39th Group of Eight (G8) summit, to be held June 17-18 at the Lough Erne Resort, Northern Ireland.
Indications are that recent controversy which erupted between British Prime Minister David Cameron’s office at 10 Downing Street and the Google technology giant—in which the government is claiming that California-based Google is failing to meet its U.K. tax obligations—is a contrived story, meaning it’s likely a created crisis, to try and incite U.K. citizens into supporting a global corporate tax that would “punish” those greedy corporations and make them pay.
Yet, in reality, as history has taught us, it’d be easy for major corporations to minimize or evade such taxes through loopholes and through their legislative influence on policy. But such a tax would fall heavily on smaller businesses that lack the wherewithal to dodge it, thereby shifting the burden to the lower classes and further consolidating wealth and control for the plutocratic few.
Although the Bilderberg official website, after the fact, typically lists its claimed annual agenda items—while saying every year, so far, that no press conferences will be given—those listings are general enough to downplay or avoid specifying sensitive goals. To add more credence to a global tax being a probable agenda item for 2013, the UK Column, a noted populist newspaper, reported, “Google is currently engaged in a battle over unpaid taxes in the UK, and which has led political commentators to now call for a new system of global taxation. Not surprisingly, this has become the chief topic of discussion at a series of global summits taking place during May and June.”
Two of those 2013 summits are the Google “Zeitgeist” summit which, having just concluded, was as closed to the press and public as Bilderberg always has been, and the Bilderberg gathering itself. The Bilderberg gatherings started in 1954 in Holland’s “Bilderberg” hotel, which gave the group its long-lasting name. Last year was Bilderberg’s 60th secretive summit. The Grove Hotel is the venue for both summits this year. The other summit referenced here is the upcoming G8 gathering after Bilderberg, in Ireland.
The relatively recent inclusion of high-tech participants, such as Google, at Bilderberg meetings seems to be changing the face of Bilderberg, which for years was mainly conducted by a stodgy bunch of aging mountebanks and power brokers. Some have passed on to God knows where, while the surviving old-guard members are now co-mingling with the likes of Google, LinkedIn, Facebook and other technology players, to such a degree, that some are tossing around the newly coined moniker, “Googleberg.”
Think tanks such as the Brookings Institution, the Hudson Institute, the Hoover Institution, the Rand Corporation, the pro-Zionist American Enterprise Institute, the equally stridently-pro-Zionist Washington Institute for Near East Policy—which has flirted with the idea of false-flag operations to spark a war with Iran—also play a strong role at Bilderberg and bring some younger blood to this blue-blood summit, now entering its 61 year.
And, lo and behold, Google is playing a central role in this tax “controversy,” involving a prime minister who himself is a frequent Bilderberg attended, as is Google’s head honcho, Eric Schmidt.
Also, UK Chancellor George Osborne’s role is certainly notable. As the UK Column noted:
“As the public feud between Google and Downing Street takes centre stage, backstage both UK Chancellor George Osborne and Google CEO Eric Schmidt, both committed fellow Bilderberg members, are said to have met in private at the [2013] Google event, and are poised to do so again at Bilderberg 2013. Both have attended the annual meeting almost continuously since 2006.”
And this apparent shadow boxing between Google and Downing Street has aspects that appear to fit in with recent AFP reporting from Washington.
An anonymous U.K. source added that AFP’s report in its No. 20 (May 20, 2013) edition, about the May 3 Brookings Institute presentation by Gianni Pittella, vice president of the European Parliament, was apparently accurate in estimating that Pittella’s call for creating a literal United States of Europe, a single military for the Eurozone, and converting the European Central Bank into a lender of last resort for all of united Europe, designed much like the Federal Reserve System, are likely to be addressed by Bilderberg members in some manner, to whatever degree.
Why might that be so? Because that degree of uniformity would combine well with a global tax, the U.K. source said. Moreover, Jim Tucker, AFP’s late Bilderberg Hound, often said the Bilderbergers wanted a single Treasury Department, world-wide in scope, eventually. That fits the mold, too, conceptually at least.
Mark Anderson is AFP’s roving editor. Listen to Mark’s weekly radio show and email him at [email protected].
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