• ‘Blacktivists’ target local celebrity in Rhode Island because he dared to support police.
By Dave Gahary —
The “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) crowd, and any other American of any race who feels that “institutional racism” infects every nook and cranny of this once-great nation, have targeted another hard-working, patriotic citizen for destruction. Tony L. Lepore Sr., better known as “the Dancing Cop,” for performing dance routines during the December holiday season while directing traffic, has been caught up in the insane political correctness sweeping the country, devouring anything in its path.
Lepore, a 68-year-old Vietnam veteran, retired from the Providence Police Department in 1989, and had been doing his dance routine for five years prior. Providence is the most populous city in Rhode Island and was founded in 1636, one of the oldest cities in the United States. Accounting for almost 100% of the population back then, whites now barely make up 35% in the city nicknamed the “Beehive of Industry,” down from 90% in 1970. Blacks and Hispanics make up around 20% and 30% respectively, with Asians rounding out the mix at around 10%.
Lepore, who began his street-dancing as a way to relieve boredom, was asked by Providence city leaders to put on his show during the 1992 holiday season, in order to attract people to the business district. He graciously agreed, signed a contract to return as a reserve police officer, and has been bringing joy to holiday shoppers and others for over three decades.
Lepore, who began his street-dancing as a way to relieve boredom, was asked by Providence city leaders to put on his show during the 1992 holiday season, in order to attract people to the business district. He graciously agreed, signed a contract to return as a reserve police officer, and has been bringing joy to holiday shoppers and others for over three decades.
All this came to a crashing halt after Lepore got offended by an incident that occurred at a local Dunkin’ Donuts in October, where an employee wrote “Black Lives Matter” on a coffee cup before serving it to a police officer, which could be construed as an inflammatory and provocative gesture. Not wanting to let the stunt go unanswered, Lepore and a small group protested outside the donut shop, holding signs that read “Blue Lives Matter,” referring to police officers, “Citizens4Police,” and “Don’t Eat Here—Employees Are Not To Be Trusted.”
Almost immediately, the city cut their ties with Lepore, claiming he misrepresented the police department.
Lepore told a local news station that “he protested on his own behalf, as a citizen, not in uniform and is offended by the city’s decision to let him go.”
“I’m not a racist,” he told local ABC affiliate WLNE-TV. “All the people in the community that know me know that I’m not a racist.”
In November, Lepore received a call from East Providence Mayor Thomas A. Rose to direct traffic in that town, which gave Lepore hope that all was not lost.
“I was down in the cellar, mentally, and all of a sudden, now, I’m on the roof, after he called me,” Lepore told WLNE.
Lepore’s time on the roof was short-lived, however, when the spineless mayor, at a city council meeting on November 28, quickly caved into the BLM assault and backtracked on his comments that there were no racial problems in the city.
With dozens of BLM supporters showing up at the meeting and taking to the podium, referring to Lepore as a “racist,” a term becoming as incendiary as being called an “anti-Semite,” the mayor’s true colors were revealed.
“I’m here because I’m disturbed that the city of East Providence would consider hiring a man that was dismissed by another city, barely a week before, for racism,” claimed a light-skinned black woman to WLNE, obviously comfortable that Lapore was guilty as charged.
“There may be issues that I don’t see in the city or I don’t notice as much,” the mayor whimpered to a reporter from WLNE.
At a tree-lighting ceremony the next day to officially kick off the holiday shopping season, Lepore was a no-show, and crowds were greeted by protestors.
Lepore recognizes that the insanity will continue to impact his life, as well as his family’s.
“If I don’t have these jobs, it could be tough to survive,” he told WLNE. “If they’re threatening to protest everywhere I go, it could be tough to get work.”
He continued, “My family’s going through a lot of stress with this, and I feel bad for them.”
Lapore is reportedly working with two civil rights lawyers.
“I am considering a lawsuit,” he said.
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Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series.
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Besides O’Reilly and Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, how many Americans are addressing this topic that is at the core of most all the issues and social problems many Americans of African descent are today experiencing?
Speaking At The Eulogy For The Honorable Reverend Clementa Pinckney, President Barack Obama said:
*”Perhaps it causes us to examine what we’re doing to cause some of our children to hate.”* (Applause.)
Video Excerpt from Obama Remarks
With all due respect to my American neighbors supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, I believe your cause would better serve all Americans if your organization were to honestly, openly and compassionately address our *National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect,* aka *Poverty*, that for decades has deprived untold numbers of depressed children from experiencing and enjoying a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.
I strongly suggest members of the Black Lives Matter target communities that for decades have embraced The Street Culture Baltimore Mom of The Year Toya Graham desperately struggled to keep her young teen son from embracing.
In his 2015 Grammy award winning Rap Performance titled “I,” Kendrick Lamar writes, *”I’ve been dealing with depression ever since an adolescent.”*
During a January 20, 2011 LAWeekly interview (Google search) Kendrick, born in 1987, the same year songwriter Suzanne Vega wrote a song about child abuse and *VICTIM DENIAL* that was nominated for a Grammy award, he told the interviewer:
*”Lamar’s parents moved from Chicago to Compton in 1984 with all of $500 in their pockets. “My mom’s one of 13 [THIRTEEN] siblings, and they all got SIX kids, and till I was 13 everybody was in Compton,” he says.”*
*”I’m 6 years old, seein’ my uncles playing with shotguns, sellin’ dope in front of the apartment. My moms and pops never said nothing, ’cause they were young and living wild, too. I got about 15 stories like ‘Average Joe.'”*
It seems evident to me Kendrick identified the source of his depression, the roots of poverty, the child abuse/maltreatment that prevented him, his brothers, sisters, cousins, neighborhood friends, elementary and JHS classmates from enjoying a fairly happy, safe Average Joe and Josie American kid childhood.
Seems the adults responsible for raising the children in Kendrick’s immediate and extended family placed obstacles in their children’s way, causing their kids to deal with challenges and stresses young minds are not prepared to deal with…*nor should they or any other children be exposed to and have to deal with.*
It seems evident to me these PARENTAL INTRODUCED obstacles and challenges cause some developing children’s minds to become tormented and go haywire, not knowing *OR NOT CARING ABOUT* right from wrong…because as they mature, young victims of child abuse realize their parents introduced them to a life of pain and struggle, totally unlike the mostly safe, happy life the media showed them many American kids were enjoying. *RESENTMENT*
I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I was raised in Kendrick’s family I would most likely be silently peeved at my parents for being immature irresponsible “living wild” adults who deprived me of experiencing a fairly happy American kid childhood, enjoying Safe Streets to travel and play on.
Though like many victims of child abuse, most likely I would deny my parents harmed me, seeking to blame others for the pain my parents caused to me.
I wonder how little Kendrick and his classmates reacted when their elementary school teacher introduced the DARE presenter and they learned about the real dangers of drugs and how they harm people, including their parents? *Cognitive Dissonance*
In an Oct. 25, 2012, LAWeekly interview (Google search) Kendrick talks about being a SIX-YEAR-OLD child who was not able to trust and rely on his mom…essentially he speaks about being emotionally abandon by his own mom.
Growing up during the 60-70s I listened to virtually ALL American music artists of African descent writing beautiful songs admiring, praising, wooing, lamenting, respecting and loving the MATERNAL HALF of our population.
I am curious to know if members and supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement have wondered why for the past three decades, many popular American music performers of African descent have been characterizing the maternal half of our population as *itches and *hores…essentially less than human creatures or people not worthy of respect?
Honestly, I have a feeling most BLM supporters don’t have the strength or will to face the truth about who is responsible for filling our prisons with depressed, angry, frustrated, sometimes suicidal teens and young men who were victims of early childhood abuse and neglect at the hands of immature teen girls and women who irresponsibly begin building families before acquiring the skills, PATIENCE and means to properly raise a fairly happy American kid who enjoys a Safe Fun Street to play in.
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke offers sound advice to all Americans, *”Fix the ghetto!”*
I’m with Sheriff Clarke. I believe we also need to re-examine society’s child protection and welfare laws.
I am hoping when camera technology proves its worth in protecting police officers, as well as identifying officers who require further training or officers who have no business serving the public in a LE capacity, we will use that same technology to protect children by monitoring the common area of homes in which caregivers have established a track record for failing to properly raise, nurture and/or supervise their children.
If we do not take affirmative action to protect children, “the ghetto” will continue to thrive, fueled by poor parenting, resulting with depressed kids maturing into depressed, sometimes suicidal teens and adults who often vent their angers and frustrations on their peaceful neighbors, instead of the person(s) responsible for introducing them to a life of hardship, pain and struggle.