Regime Change a Recipe for War in Iran

August 30, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Has the Trump administration, a la Jared Kushner, learned nothing from the history of America’s last regime-change efforts in Iran? Perhaps even worse today, “the decision by President Donald Trump to use America’s power once again […]

‘Toronto First,’ Says Goldy

August 26, 2018 AFP Editor 4

Another nationalist candidate is making headlines, this time in Toronto, Canada where Faith Goldy is running for mayor. She wants to make her city safer and “put Toronto first” and is critical of Canada’s open […]

Jewish Man Guilty of Bomb Threats

August 5, 2018 AFP Editor 3

Remember the slew of bomb threats a couple years back against Jewish Community Centers and other targets, including transportation hubs, in multiple countries? Yes, the threats the ADL insisted were evidence of the increasing problem […]

Will Tribalism Trump Democracy?

July 31, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The issue of our age, writes Buchanan, is the “struggle between the claims of tribe, ethnicity, peoples, and nations, against the commands of liberal democracy.” Is America “a unique people with our own history, heroes, […]

U.S. Policies in Latin America Stupid

July 26, 2018 AFP Editor 1

News today is “something like an adventure,” says Phil Giraldi: Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro is ruling by decree and ignoring the National Assembly while his people suffer due to the failing economy, and Ecuador’s president […]

Is Putin’s Russia an ‘Evil Empire’?

July 24, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Can the war-mongering neocons hell-bent on continuing conflict with Russia and attacking Trump as a “traitor” answer Buchanan’s question posed here? “Where, today, is there a vital U.S. interest imperiled by Putin?” By Patrick J. […]

Trump Calls Off Cold War II

July 17, 2018 AFP Editor 0

With media and Congress screaming that President Trump is acting “treasonously,” it’s valuable to consider a brief history lesson-reminder of U.S actions that might have caused Putin to respond as he has. Who is acting […]

U.S.-Israel Military Juggernaut Grows

July 14, 2018 AFP Editor 0

From Alaska to the Negev Desert, cooperation between Israeli and American militaries is putting U.S. troops in harm’s way. By Philip Giraldi The increasing ties between the Israeli and American militaries have gone virtually unnoticed […]

Resisting Zionist Censorship

July 10, 2018 AFP Editor 2

Courageous Jews are risking much to protest censorship by the Zionist Power Configuration, as sociologist James Petras calls the core of pro-Israel, Zionist power. A recent conference included a panel that featured several of these […]

Was Venezuelan President Assassinated?

July 4, 2018 AFP Editor 0

Venezuela’s current president, Nicolas Maduro, and others allege the United States poisoned his country’s late firebrand socialist leader Hugo Chavez. Though this may seem questionable, scientists have admitted nano-weapons are now capable of delivering illnesses […]

Iraq War About Oil or Israel?

June 21, 2018 AFP Editor 2

A new book by oil consultant Gary Vogler proves the U.S. waged war on Iraq to save Israel’s failing economy. “Neocons pushed so hard for war in large part because they intended to loot Iraqi […]

Trump’s Bold Historic Gamble

June 15, 2018 AFP Editor 0

The Singapore Summit has been a historical success, despite the naysayers who tried to prevent it from happening. Now Pat Buchanan asks whether Kim Jong Un will agree to what he’s being asked to do.  […]

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