Issue 29&30 News You May Have Missed

July 24, 2023 AFP Editor 0

Largest Military Bill Ever On July 14, the House passed the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), worth a whopping $886 billion, largely along partisan lines. Republicans slapped on dozens of amendments addressing everything from […]

France on Fire!

July 13, 2023 AFP Editor 0

By Rémi Tremblay On June 27, Nahel Merzouk, a young 17-year-old Magh¬rebi Arab of French-Algerian descent who was known by police, particularly for resisting arrest, was fatally shot by a French police officer as he […]

Issue 25 & 26 News Missed

June 28, 2023 AFP Editor 0

U.S. Is Out of Weapons Reports Foreign Policy magazine: “The United States, Ukraine’s biggest supplier of military aid, is mostly tapped out on money and guns. On [June 9], the Biden administration announced a $2.1 […]

BLM’s Grievance Grift Is Ending

June 14, 2023 AFP Editor 0

By John Friend Despite the Black Lives Matter movement, a broad network of radical activist organizations, grievance groups, and race hustlers who have wreaked havoc on America since its founding in 2013, raking in over […]

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