A Real Zombie Apocalypse

February 26, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Have the neocons backed Trump into a nuclear corner? By Dr. Kevin Barrett Is the Pentagon planning a zombie apocalypse? I’m not just referring to CONPLAN 888, a 2011 training exercise envisioning U.S. forces in […]

No Collusion

February 25, 2019 AFP Editor 2

In spite of Robert Mueller et al.’s best efforts for nearly two years to find something damning to pin on President Trump, the Senate has finally admitted there is no evidence Trump undermined the 2016 […]

The Women’s March You Won’t Hear About

February 12, 2019 AFP Editor 0

Hysterical leftists condemn a women’s group, which organized one of the recent women’s marches on New York City, for demanding rights for women of all races. Here’s more about the organization working for the advancement […]

Antifa Leader Arrested, Charged With Terrorism

February 11, 2019 AFP Editor 1

An attack on U.S. Marines by neo-Bolsheviks will not go unpunished—this time. Finally, law enforcement has arrested a well-known antifa leader, charged with multiple felonies, for his blatant acts of political violence and terrorism. By John Friend […]

‘Femsplainers’ Battle Radical Feminism

February 5, 2019 AFP Editor 1

Not all women support overzealous political correctness, man-bashing, and today’s growing victimization cult. One podcast aims to counter radicalized feminism with a common-sense response.  By Tilton Adler Amidst the overzealous political “correctness” that’s being stuffed […]

Famed Activist Red Beckman Dies

February 4, 2019 AFP Editor 3

This friend to American liberty lovers and truthseekers and IRS critic worked six decades teaching fellow patriots their constitutional rights. His was a life lived well and for the greater good, and he will not […]

Life in the Marxist Age

February 2, 2019 AFP Editor 1

As political correctness continues its meteoric rise and career-lynchings increase, a university professor now faces firing after his spoof academic papers were published, fooling (then embarassing) leftists.  By Donald Jeffries Portland State University philosophy professor […]

Congressman Vilified for Comments

January 30, 2019 AFP Editor 1

The mainstream media are crying racism as they excoriate Rep. Steve King over trivial “politically incorrect” statements.  By Dr. Kevin Barrett Let me preface what I am about to say by disavowing all forms of […]

Globalists Unite Against Populism

January 27, 2019 AFP Editor 0

It’s not just America’s neoconservatives and radical left that are rooting for America’s failure; globalists are increasingly concerned the U.S. has lost its global way. Now, Western think tanks apparently need to “rediscover a sense […]

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