AFP archived stories

Violent Radicals Criminally Charged

July 26, 2016 AFP 2

• Thugs may face trial for serious assault on peaceful political demonstrators. By John Friend — In a major victory for the rule of law in America, seven individuals were recently charged with misdemeanor assault, […]

ISIS Turns on Turkey

July 26, 2016 AFP 0

• Istanbul airport attack is likely payback for lapse in loyalty. By Richard Walker — The June 29 massacre of 44 travelers and staff at the Istanbul airport is blowback for Turkey arming and training […]

The U.S. Congress: GMO Sellouts

July 24, 2016 AFP 5

• Congress overrules state voters on food labeling. By James Spounias — AMERICAN FREE PRESS has extensively covered the movement to have genetically modified organisms (GMOs) labeled. In the past few years, a number of […]

Will the West Survive This Century?

July 24, 2016 AFP 2

• White Europeans, Euro-Americans, Japanese need to reverse demographic trends. By Patrick J. Buchanan — “Nativism . . .  xenophobia or worse” is behind the triumph of Brexit and the support for Donald Trump, railed […]

Hillary’s Emails and Mideast Policy; Not Even a Slap

July 19, 2016 AFP 4

• Israeli hegemony, rejection of diplomatic efforts are core planks of her policies. By Ronald L. Ray — Hillary Rodham Clinton, the unreformed socialist extremist, is also—oddly enough—the Trotskyite neoconservatives’ dream candidate for president of […]

Assassinating Trump

July 19, 2016 AFP 3

• Controlled media ignores assassination attempts. By John Tiffany — Is the constant demonizing of Donald J. Trump by the United States establishment media effectively encouraging would-be assassins? It would seem serious assassination attempts on Trump […]

Why Trump Is Routing the Free Traders

July 18, 2016 AFP 1

• GOP presidential candidate repudiates globalism, calls for return to “Americanism.” By Patrick J. Buchanan — In his recent indictment of free trade as virtual economic treason, The Donald has really set the cat down […]

Reporter Fired for Crime Comments

July 18, 2016 AFP 8

• Award-winning journalist dismissed for benign comment about black-on-black violence. By John Friend — An award-winning journalist who was fired in late March from WTAE-TV, a local Pittsburgh-based ABC news affiliate, is suing her former […]

Is it Time for Ginsburg to Go?

July 16, 2016 AFP 4

• A democratic republic no longer exists when justices of the mindset of Ginsburg, who have never been elected, but serve for life, can impose these views, anti-democratically, upon the country. By Patrick J. Buchanan […]

Global Cities

July 13, 2016 AFP 1

• Water wars, transferring populations to urban areas, further industrialization of food production discussed at internationalists’ Global Cities Conference in Chicago. By Mark Anderson — CHICAGO, Ill.—Financial Times (FT), like The Economist and Bloomberg media, […]

Seeds of Brexit Planted in Iceland

July 13, 2016 AFP 0

• Across Europe, people want nations to regain sovereignty from globalist masters. By Natalia Castro and Robert Romano — The European Union (EU) thrives on the economic and cultural legitimacy its members reinforce, but since […]

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