AFP archived stories

They Disagree on Everything But Israel

June 6, 2018 AFP Editor 4

The U.S. legislators voting to gut the U.S. Constitution to promote “free speech” for Israel may be trying to help Israel, but some believe they’re committing treason.  By Philip Giraldi There is currently considerable agitation […]

Arm Teachers; Save Students

June 1, 2018 AFP Editor 2

After 10 years of success, one Texas school superintendent stands firmly in support of his armed-staff model to protect pupils. While the media and other school professionals contacted him previously, he’s surprised to have not […]

Censorship Plague Infects America

May 30, 2018 AFP Editor 1

Many are surprised to learn the true carriers of the exploding censorship plague is “Zionists hiding behind the banner of the neo-Bolshevik antifa movement.” By Dr. Kevin Barrett Albert Camus’s 1947 novel used The Plague […]

Feds Betray America’s Vets Yet Again

May 29, 2018 AFP Editor 0

An Air Force veteran is fighting the VA for reimbursement of his unpaid emergency room bills, denied due to a “coding error.” Fortunately for the estimated 98,000 other vets who’ve also been denied benefits, he’s […]

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