By James P. Tucker Jr.
CHANTILLY, Va.—Bilderberg group luminaries emerged from their annual meeting determined to force a war in the Middle East, and save the euro but exploit the recession in Europe to generate support for a global treasury department. This would be a significant step toward their ultimate goal of a world government under the UN. Bilderberg met here, a short drive from Dulles International Airport and 30 miles from Washington, D.C., May 31 to June 3.
Bilderberg is a motley crew of very rich corporate heads, major politicians,media moguls and financial kingpins who meet secretively each year in guarded meetings to hatch their schemes.
The Bilderbergers also picked who they would like to see as the vice presidential nominees. If they have their way, as usual, Sen. John Kerry (D – Mass.) will be President Obama’s running mate and Indiana Gov. Mitchell Daniels Jr. will run with Mitt Romney. Daniels is to help Romney with tea party voters, many of whom will reluctantly support the “less bad” candidate.
On June 2, Bilderberg was pleased that Ireland voted, the day before, to ratify a treaty designed to make European Union (EU) member states adopt tighter budget controls. The EU is already a “superstate” which imposes laws by its parliament and rejects national laws with its court.
“We can get Israel to attack Iran because we Americans throw so much money at them,” Henry Kissinger said during a Bilderberg session June 2. “Israel has a strong army, loves to use it and knows American troops will join them immediately.”
Kissinger’s words were met with strong, but not unanimous, applause.
Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said in a prepared statement that war on Iran is “necessary” to avoid “nuclear terrorism.” Iran is a member of the international agency that controls nuclear production, is inspected twice yearly and has not been found in violation. Israel is loaded with nuclear weapons, but refuses to join and is not inspected. Gates’s speech was sent by text.
“Your American ‘nationalists’ will be pleading for a global agency that can impose economic orders on any country on Earth, force them to raise taxes, increase aid to other states, or whatever,” said Carl Bildt, Sweden’s minister of foreign affairs. “When we get through with the problems in Europe, Americans will be so hungry they will welcome a world body to rescue them.”
In Jerusalem on May 30, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel might have to take “unilateral action” against Iran.
Although the Bilderberg boys ought to be used to it by now, they were outraged when greeted by hundreds of newspapermen, broadcasters and writers for periodicals who fired questions at them as their limos rolled up to the guarded gates. In all, more than 1,000 protesters joined the unofficial welcoming committee, over a four-day period.

“It’s been a lifetime since we could meet without a bunch of nuts yelling at us,” said one, who was wearing a staff badge as he approached the Marriott Westfields Hotel from within the compound. “Yeah,” said another staffer. “I can hardly remember the days when everything was calm.”
Since 1975 AFP editor emeritus James P. Tucker Jr. has won widespread recognition for his reports on the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary. Containing 272 pages, loaded with photos, the book recounts Tucker’s experiences over the last quarter century at Bilderberg meetings. $25 from AFP plus FREE S&H inside the U.S.