Libya in Utter Chaos

November 8, 2014 AFP 4

• Three years after torture, assassination of Muammar Qadaffi, North African nation terrorized by NATO-inspired civil war. • Qadaffi’s fate sealed with plan to establish new oil exchange using gold dinars rather than dollar. By […]

Against Obama, But for What?

November 4, 2014 AFP 6

By Patrick J. Buchanan — After billions in attack ads that turned the approval ratings of almost every candidate, in both parties, upside down, Republicans appear primed to take control of Congress. Why are Democrats […]

U.S. Torture Pics Ordered Released by 12/12

November 2, 2014 AFP 0

• ‘National security’ no longer a defensible excuse to continue to hide evidence of U.S. abuse of prisoners. By Olga Belinskaya — For over 10 years, the United States Department of Defense has been battling […]

Hong Kong “Democracy” Protests CIA Backed

November 2, 2014 AFP 4

• U.S. government would prefer China have political system CIA can easily influence. • Hardline communists slowly move country toward classic national socialist model. By Bill White — Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-backed “democracy” protests in […]

Americans Live Under Judicial Dictatorship

November 2, 2014 AFP 12

• U.S. Supreme Court a culture-destroying juggernaut in American history. By Pat Buchanan — Do the states have the right to outlaw same-sex marriage? Not long ago that question would have been seen as absurd, […]

Federal Reserve Covers Up Banker Crimes

November 2, 2014 AFP 5

•Whistleblower punished for exposing truth about Federal Reserve perfidy. By Keith Johnson — From The Pentagon Papers to the National Security Agency spying scandal, the past half-century has watched Americans cheer as several of their […]

Tens of Thousands of Jews Leaving Israel for Germany

October 26, 2014 AFP 35

By Richard Walker — A growing exodus of young Israelis to Berlin has not only shocked Israel’s far right leadership but has highlighted the growing disillusionment with Zionism among Israel’s younger generation. As Israeli commentators […]

Obama’s Big Government Entitlement State Failing

October 26, 2014 AFP 2

• 38% of able-bodied Americans 16 and over not working. By Victor Thorn — As voters look ahead to two upcoming elections—November’s midterms and the 2016 presidential race—they must ask themselves a question: After six […]

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