Is Your Town ‘Too White’?

December 8, 2014 AFP 7

• Not for long if feds get their way. By Tarrah Baptista — Federal bureaucrats believe they know better than you what your neighborhood should look like. It’s all part of a major initiative called […]

Big Names Celebrate Traficant

December 7, 2014 AFP 0

• Life and accomplishments of former Ohio Rep. “Big Jim” Traficant remembered. By Pete Papaherakles — YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — More than 1,000 people showed up at the DeYor Performing Arts Center in Youngstown, Ohio to […]

Who’s Forcing Gold’s Price to Dip?

December 7, 2014 AFP 1

• Someone is rigging the precious metals market. By Paul Craig Roberts & Dave Kranzler — In a blatant and massive market intervention, the price of gold was smashed on November 28. Right after the […]

Aliens Decide Elections

December 7, 2014 AFP 2

• Shocking new study proves millions of ‘non-citizens’ vote in U.S. elections. By Keith Johnson — Will President Barack Obama’s decision to grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens have a major impact on future […]

Michael Brown Case: Open & Shut

December 3, 2014 AFP 23

• All the evidence confirmed to the grand jury that Wilson shot Brown in self-defense. By Pete Papaherakles — The long anticipated grand jury verdict in Ferguson affirmed what AMERICAN FREE PRESS has been reporting […]

CIA Coup d’Etat in Canada

November 24, 2014 AFP 4

• Was ‘Harper Revolution’ driven by NWO/CIA front group and Big Oil? By Ronald L. Ray — Stephen Joseph Harper, the prime minister of Canada, has changed the face of Canadian politics, especially since the […]

Afghanistan Opium and ‘Black Ops’

November 23, 2014 AFP 2

By Pete Papaherakles — The United States has been gradually withdrawing troops from Afghanistan since 2011. According to President Barack Hussein Obama, only 9,800 “peacekeeping” troops will remain by the end of December, and all […]

U.S. Military Prepares for Iraq War III

November 23, 2014 AFP 4

By Richard Walker — While the latest batch of troops earmarked for Iraq are being described as “advisers and trainers,” there is every likelihood that, contrary to what United States President Barack Hussein Obama has […]

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