As the mainstream media continues to fan the flames of racism, this time using the police shooting death of teenage black thug Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri to advance their agenda, attempting to get the facts of the case out to the public, beyond the “comments” section of so many websites, is an almost impossible feat. Just the convenience store video, the autopsy report and the grand jury evidence and testimony are ample proof to make clear that this 18-year-old “child” was a menace to civilized society and got what he deserved for his documented brazen actions.
Despite all the undisputed evidence that Brown was a misanthrope raised by his parents to hate “whitey,” clearly confirmed in their ignorant and profanity-laced performance in front of the cameras, the stepfather, with his pants pulled down exposing his buttocks and calling to “burn this bitch down,” a reference to the city of Ferguson, the clowns in Hollywood who actually believe their opinions should matter, and most blacks across America, as evidenced by the almost complete lack of remorse for the savage attacks recorded in Ferguson against businesses that help put food on the tables of their employees, the liberals continue to cling to the tired notion that these animals have a right to torch the town and that police officer Darren Wilson deserves to die, for simply defending himself against a 300 lb. arrogant thug, and doing what he was paid to do.
For a white person to say the above may be acceptable in many circles, but for a black man to repeat and agree with the above is too much for liberal and black America to bear. Well, you’re about to meet one such black man, former thug Carl Jackson, who hosts an AM radio program from Orlando, Florida.
Dave Gahary had the opportunity to sit down with Carl to discuss his views on Ferguson as highlighted in his recent article, “Black Thugs Aren’t Black Hereos,” in this refreshing interview (38:48).
Black Conservative Has “Black Racism Fatigue”
• Former thug disavows violent black culture
By Dave Gahary
As the mainstream media continues to fan the flames of racism, this time using the police shooting death of teenage black thug Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri to advance their agenda, attempting to get the facts of the case out to the public, beyond the “comments” section of so many websites, is an almost impossible feat. Just the convenience store video, the autopsy report and the grand jury evidence and testimony are ample proof to make clear that this 18-year-old “child” was a menace to civilized society and got what he deserved for his documented brazen actions.
Despite all the undisputed evidence that Brown was a misanthrope raised by his parents to hate “whitey,” clearly confirmed in their ignorant and profanity-laced performance in front of the cameras, the stepfather, with his pants pulled down exposing his buttocks and calling to “burn this bitch down,” a reference to the city of Ferguson, the clowns in Hollywood who actually believe their opinions should matter, and most blacks across America, as evidenced by the almost complete lack of remorse for the savage attacks recorded in Ferguson against businesses that help put food on the tables of their employees, the liberals continue to cling to the tired notion that these animals have a right to torch the town and that police officer Darren Wilson deserves to die, for simply defending himself against a 300 lb. arrogant thug, and doing what he was paid to do.
For a white person to say the above may be acceptable in many circles, but for a black man to repeat and agree with the above is too much for liberal and black America to bear. Well, you’re about to meet one such black man, former thug Carl Jackson.
This reporter had the opportunity to sit down with Carl to discuss his views on Ferguson as highlighted in his recent article, “Black Thugs Aren’t Black Hereos.”
Mr. Jackson is 37-years-old and married with a daughter, who was born and raised in Compton, California, and resides now in Orlando, Florida.
Jackson said he is “a Christian conservative American that happens to be black,” and [I] was a thug, so you’re speaking to someone that’s been transformed by the grace of God.”
Jackson explained his view of racism in America.
“I’ve experienced some racism from whites,” he began, “I’ve experienced some racism from Mexicans, I’ve experienced a lot more racism from blacks. So I do tend to believe that this whole notion that America is still this racist nation overwhelmingly, I just don’t buy into that narrative.”
Overall, Jackson is clear on his views of racism in this country.
“I’ve experienced very little racism in my life, thank God,” he said.
“Are people prejudiced? Absolutely. Man, I’m prejudiced. If I go to a white neighborhood at night and I’m walking the streets. I’m gonna be a little bit on guard. I’m not ashamed to admit that, it’s common sense. If I go to a largely Mexican neighborhood at night, I’m gonna be on my guard. If I go to a black neighborhood at night, I’m gonna be on my guard, and sometimes twice as much. And the dirty little secret is every black person knows it. The dirty little secret is black people instinctively know that blacks tend to be more violent in America. We know it.”
Jackson blames the Democratic Party for a lot of the ills in America’s black communities.
“Liberals have to keep us divided in order to succeed,” he explained. “In order for Democrats to win they have to convince you that you’re nothing, that you can’t go anywhere, that you can’t accomplish anything.”
Jackson explained how hatred for whites was taught in school at a young age.
“Growing up in LA we would hear the little Jesse Jackson mantras that our teachers would tell us,” he said. “Now Democrats have been able to co-opt the black community and as a result we can see that the black community is destroyed. In the 70s, the black community had the highest rates, percentage-wise, of marriage in the country, even above whites. Where are we today? We have over 70% of black children being born out-of-wedlock, and this happened virtually overnight, in a decade or less. Once the welfare state kicked in under LBJ, once the ‘Great Society’ came into play, it destroyed the black society.”
“I don’t listen to rap music anymore because it was one of the things that got me angry,” he explained. “This notion that music doesn’t influence your thinking is just nonsense because I was constantly ready for a fight.”
“Ferguson, Missouri,” he said, “is just a symptom of liberalism. This notion that there is no justice is absolutely ridiculous.”
Jackson has what he calls “black racism fatigue.”
“Race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, they’re in this stuff for the notoriety, they’re in it for the money,” he said. “I do believe that if they don’t repent, they’ll have a heavy price to pay when they stand before God.”
This reporter asked how blacks respond to him and if he’s ever been approached by black folks or threatened.
“I’ve had some threats in my email,” he said. “I’ve gotten some death threats, I’ve gotten some name-calling.”
For Jackson, it’s the blacks who bear the blame.
“Blacks just don’t know our history, we don’t know our information, we don’t realize how exceptional America is, because we never look at history in its proper context,” he explained. “Did America have some racist times? Yeah. But if we compare it to the rest of the world, America has always been far better than any society that has ever existed, as far as economics, as far as opportunity, as far as race relations are concerned.”
This reporter asked if he could sympathize with some white Americans who have the attitude that if the blacks don’t like it here they should go back to Africa.
“When you look at Jesse Jackson, when you look at Al Sharpton, my statement to people like them would be, ‘Then go back to Africa. Live the African life without the fame, without the fortune, and see how you do,’” he answered.
Dave Gahary, a former submariner in the U.S. Navy, is the host of AFP’s ‘Underground Interview’ series.
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The god awful media loves to stir up racial animosity.