VIDEO & PHOTOGRAPHS: Traficant Conference

November 14, 2015 AFP 0

Here are some pictures and videos of the conference that honored former United States congressman James A. Traficant, Jr. that took place last weekend in Washington, D.C. Place your ad here Loading… Jim Traficant Memorial […]

Obama Slaps Seniors, Vets

November 12, 2015 AFP 2

By Dave Gahary — This Veterans Day, those who served their country will have a lot less to be thankful for. In a slap to the face of veterans and seniors, the Obama administration announced […]

Israel, ISIS Meet Their Match?

November 12, 2015 AFP 5

• Russia alters Mideast power balance by answering Syria’s call for help. By Richard Walker — In just a matter of months, the Russian military has strategically shifted the balance of power in the Middle […]

New Orleans Fifth Circuit Smacks Obama Down, Again

November 10, 2015 AFP 1

It’s back to the drawing board for Barack Hussein Obama, again. The same court that in May of this year issued a 68-page ruling that handed Obama’s long sought-after “lawless amnesty” immigration give-away a stinging defeat […]


November 8, 2015 AFP 1

AFP AUDIO INTERVIEW Throughout history, there have always been powerful people who work secretly behind the scenes to advance their own objectives, often to the detriment of the public as a whole. A system of […]

War in Syria? Where Is Speaker Ryan?

November 5, 2015 AFP 0

By Patrick J. Buchanan — “The United States is being sucked into a new Middle East war,” says The New York Times. And the Times has it exactly right. Despite repeated pledges not to put […]

The Big Lie in the Holy Land

November 2, 2015 AFP 6

• It’s Israel committing most of the “terrorist” acts. By Ronald L. Ray — While the West is troubled by the ongoing Zio-American-sponsored “immigrant” invasion of its countries, which brings murder, mayhem and demographic destruction […]

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