• Thugs may face trial for serious assault on peaceful political demonstrators.
By John Friend —
In a major victory for the rule of law in America, seven individuals were recently charged with misdemeanor assault, battery or resisting arrest by the Orange County district attorney for their participation in an attack on Ku Klux Klan members legally demonstrating in Anaheim on February 28. An eighth suspect who was seen kicking a Klansman at the rally is still at large and awaiting prosecution.
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A small group of Klan members organized a rally at Pearson Park in Anaheim earlier this year in an effort to raise awareness about black-on-white violence and related issues. The “White Lives Matter” rally, as it was described by the organizers, shocked radical leftists in the area, especially as it was organized by members of the Klan. When news of the rally spread, dozens of counter-protesters arrived at the park to confront the Klansmen. Unsurprisingly, many of the counter-protesters immediately began physically attacking Klan members as soon as they arrived, around mid-day.
Klansmen were kicked, punched, and attacked by counter-protesters, and a series of brawls erupted, spanning roughly one city block. Three counter-protesters were stabbed by Klansmen in self-defense. Five Klan members were arrested after police arrived on the scene but were eventually released, as it was evident they were responding to violent attacks and did not initiate the violence.
“This case is not about who was holding the protest rally, their racist message, or who was counter protesting. This is about the mob mentality turning violent, which shut down neighboring streets, access to the park, and endangered the community as a whole,” Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckas said in a statement released shortly after charges were filed. “Our office does not condone any message of hate, mob violence, or vigilante justice.”
As political violence against Trump supporters and other politically incorrect groups escalates across America, the charges filed in Anaheim are an extremely welcoming development for Americans concerned with law and order and the First Amendment. As this newspaper has reported in recent editions, radical anti-Trump protesters have violently confronted and attacked supporters of the presumptive GOP nominee for president at rallies and events all over the country. Following a particularly violent and chaotic Trump rally in San Jose earlier this summer, at least four anti-Trump protesters were arrested for their actions at the rally, including three on felony assault with a deadly weapon charges.
In one of the most violent and chaotic events of this year, counter-protesters organized primarily by radical leftist group BAMN—an acronym for By Any Means Necessary—violently assaulted members of the Traditionalist Worker Party (TWP) who had organized a legal rally in Sacramento at the state capitol building on June 26. Ironically, the rally was specifically organized to protest political violence perpetrated against Trump supporters and other violent assaults on the First Amendment, according to Matthew Heimbach, the chairman of the TWP, who spoke to AFP in an exclusive interview.
“The purpose of the Traditionalist Worker Party rally in Sacramento was to bring attention to the radical left’s attacks on freedom of speech and assembly for nationalists all around America,” Heimbach told AMERICAN FREE PRESS. “We were working to convey that leftist agitators would not silence or intimidate us.”
The radical leftist counter-protesters—who numbered in the hundreds, according to local on-the-scene reports—immediately began violently confronting and attacking members of the TWP as soon as they arrived at the state capitol building. Incredibly, law enforcement officers on the scene did almost nothing to prevent the attacks, and no arrests were made. One TWP member was stabbed, while at least six counter-protesters were stabbed during the melee. Pressure has been put on local law enforcement officials in Sacramento to enforce the rule of law and bring charges against those responsible for the violence and destruction. However, as AFP goes to press, no charges have been filed.
“We expected the left to use violence to attempt to silence us, but the amount of weaponry they brought was surprising and shows a clear escalation of violence and of political desperation by the radical left,” Heimbach explained to AFP.
As the highly charged election season carries on, there can be little doubt that political violence carried out by the radical left in America, which is largely encouraged and promoted by the controlled mass media, will only increase. Nationalism is on the rise, according to Heimbach, and the radical left is getting desperate as their leaders and elite financiers recognize their time is running out.
“The left is being driven to more violence by the realization that their stranglehold on America and the Western media and politics is disappearing,” Heimbach concluded. “People are awakening across America to the lies of the radical left and turning toward nationalism. This political shift is driving the left to become more violent as a way to attempt to keep control. They are terrorists who have no desire to honor the principles of freedom of speech or freedom of assembly, and they should continue to be exposed for whom they really are.”
John Friend is a California-based writer who maintains a blog.
As usual our government has merely thrown us a bone!