By Mark Anderson
WATFORD, U.K.—When former United States Congressman Jim Traficant on June 8 visited the grounds just outside the 2013 Bilderberg summit, he sliced through the stubbornly inadequate notion that merely demonstrating against Bilderberg is sufficient.
He did so by trumpeting his new idea to probe virtually all the U.S. government’s many departments, even the Agriculture Department, for any evidence of public funds being used, in any manner, in connection with the highly secretive Bilderberg meetings.
“You’ve got to go beyond [protests] and you have to secure evidence,” he said, as onlookers at this year’s protest site listened intently. “We’re announcing that me, Jim Traficant, in conjunction with AMERICAN FREE PRESS, will be serving on the U.S. government only, a broad-based federal Freedom of Information Act inquiry into the activities of Bilderberg.” He then centered on this key question: Is there any money budgeted in any federal government account, or has there been any expenditure of public funds, that have gone, in any way, in subsidizing Bilderberg?
Therefore, citizens of nearly any nation—given what happens to nations ensnared in Bilderberg’s assault since 1954 on economic and political sovereignty—also should seek hard evidence of their tax dollars being used for Bilderberg, since the involvement of any public officials with Bilderberg could then more easily be questioned—and ideally brought to a halt.
Traficant became the first member of Congress, current or former, to ever protest a Bilderberg meeting by the summit site. Moreover, Labour Party Member of Parliament Michael Meacher also visited the site, as did Member of the European Parliament Gerard Batten, of the U.K. Independence Party. Both shared their insights on what Bilderberg is all about.
At a press tent within a fenced-in zone about a mile outside the Grove Hotel where the Bilderbergers met, this AFP writer repeatedly stressed—during dozens of radio interviews, live Internet video reports and pre-recorded documentary statements—that we’re not simply talking about pursuing “more transparency” so we can marvel and bristle at Bilderberg’s “shadow dealing.” Rather, we’re talking about going “beyond exposure and seeking solutions.”
That means stopping “the privatization of government” which Bilderberg represents. The Bilderberg summits, simply put, must be stopped, regardless of what sort of “transparency” promises or advances might be declared.
Mark Anderson is AFP’s roving editor. Listen to Mark’s weekly radio show and email him at [email protected].