• Former Congressman Jim Traficant spearheading inquiry
By former United States Representative Jim Traficant
I’ve seen the circus. I’ve seen the rodeo. Now, I’ve witnessed Bilderberg. The difference is that Bilderberg is a stealth international organization consisting of power brokers from most of the world, including Uncle Sam.
These big shots convened at the Grove Hotel outside London. They, once again, vacated an entire hotel to host their 2013 assemblage. This year’s group, just like all others, consisted of royalty and politicians as well as educators and the group I refer to as the catalysts; the powerful international bankers.
The world’s most powerful banks were all represented, allowing these bankers to rub shoulders with the political leaders and other government officials whose responsibility concerns the finances of their respective nations.
This year’s Bilderberg meeting attracted a number of protesters, thanks to the tenacious pursuit of transparency championed by Willis Carto and Jim Tucker of AMERICAN FREE PRESS. Finally Bilderberg issued some statements on their website concerning purpose and justification even though they had brazenly denied their very existence in the past. Secrecy has caught up with Bilderberg.
Most of these protesters seemed to be sincere and concerned about Bilderberg being a “powerful shadow government of the New World Order.”
Some of these protesters appeared to be seeking some notoriety, their 15 minutes of fame, geared toward some form of personal gain.
Some of these protesters gave me the uneasy feeling that they could’ve been paid mercenaries carrying out some strategy and using the sincere-minded protesters to advance some cause.
Nevertheless, Bilderberg does not, and will never again, operate within a cloak of darkness and silence. It’s over.
The mainstream press finally paid some attention, although most of the London press depicted the protesters as malcontents, conspiracy nuts, possible terrorists and even anti-capitalists. I found this anti-capitalist label most interesting. Keep in mind, they never used the word “communist,” but what else can anti-capitalist mean?
In my opinion, Bilderberg is fighting back using the mainstream press to assign the labels. Slick, isn’t it? After all, the CEO of The Washington Post, Donald Graham, was one of the Bilderbergers in attendance at the Grove Hotel. It’s not as if the mainstream press didn’t know about Bilderberg.
Don’t you find it unusual that all these big press people, who are falling on their swords to protect their First Amendment right of freedom of the press, have now, all of a sudden, conveniently and voluntarily surrendered their right and obligation to provide the needed transparency of this secretive body?
I was asked by AFP to help with transparency. I’ve decided to undergo a strategic investigation into this international Big Foot.
We have enlisted the legal expertise of a competent American law firm. Our investigation begins with a sweeping Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) inquiry made legitimate by 5 U.S.C. & 552. This FOIA probe is aimed at all levels of our federal government including all departments, agencies and offices of the State Department, FBI, CIA, Pentagon, Justice down to Treasury and Homeland Security. In all, over 30 units of our massive federal government have been targeted for information and documents concerning any and all possible involvement with Bilderberg and the violation of the Logan Act.
American citizens who attend Bilderberg meetings are in violation of United States law. The Logan Act is a federal law that forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiating with foreign governments. The Bilderberg Meetings are automatically problematic, since any American banker, corporate head, technology company chairman or former official is a private citizen conducting secret meetings with the foreign government officials who do in fact attend Bilderberg every year.
The Logan Act was passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violating it is a felony, punishable with imprisonment up to three years.
In addition, a FOIA inquiry has been directed at an entity operating under several units: the Friends of Bilderberg and the Friends of Mountain Pictures Inc., care of the James A. Johnson Co. of Perseus LLC, New York, N.Y. This entity has been involved with providing some funding for Bilderberg.
This first step of FOIA covers the last six Bilderberg conferences, with two on American soil at Chantilly, Virginia.
This strategy uncovered the truth in the John Demanjuk “Ivan the Terrible” case and led to his release from death row. Demanjuk had been railroaded and was left to be executed in Israel, for a crime our government knew he did not commit!
I suspect similar dynamics with this secretive Bilderberg entity. Our government is not telling us the truth.
I believe this is all about the bankers. What better way to acquire “trends and information” if not from royalty, key politicians and assorted sources?
Think about it. Get back at me!
James A. (Jim) Traficant Jr. was born in Youngstown, Ohio on May 8, 1941. He received BS and MS degrees from the University of Pittsburgh. He also received an MS from Youngstown State University in 1976. From 1981-1985 he served as sheriff of Mahoning County, prior to his election to the U.S. Congress in 1984. He was reelected by overwhelming margins every year up until 2002 when, following his conviction on trumped-up corruption charges, he was expelled from the House of Representatives.