By Donald Jeffries
Lt. General Michael Flynn stood out from all the rest of Donald Trump’s putrid, longtime insider appointments to his cabinet. Flynn seemed to be the closest thing to an outsider in the Trump administration. Predictably, he was targeted for removal before he’d even begun his extraordinarily brief tenure as national security advisor.
The establishment was alarmed with Trump’s selection of Flynn, and immediately the state-controlled media went into overdrive in an attempt to derail the choice. Flynn attended a December 2015 10th anniversary gala for RT (formerly Russia Today), the Russian-owned English language media outlet, which provides more independent investigative reporting than all the American television networks do combined. They are the only television network to ever ask this author to appear on air. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was also at this anniversary celebration but didn’t face quite the same critical scrutiny.
In early 2017, several Democratic congressmen formally requested that Secretary of Defense James Mattis investigate Flynn’s connections to RT. The same American intelligence community that has been at loggerheads with Donald Trump since he first entered the White House characterized RT as “The Kremlin’s principal international propaganda outlet.” Ironically, Flynn notably said during a fiery speech at the 2016 Republican convention, regarding Hillary Clinton, “If I did a tenth of what she did, I’d be in jail today.”
Flynn would go on to be blasted for several controversial retweets on Twitter and accused of anti-Semitism and promoting “conspiracy theories” like Pizzagate.
Like Trump himself, Flynn incurred the wrath of the Deep State with his contention that Obama’s reliance on deadly drones was a “failed strategy” and called our disastrous bipartisan foreign policy “this continued investment in conflict. The more weapons we give, the more bombs we drop, that just . . . fuels the conflict.”
Establishment vitriol toward Flynn extended to his son, Michael G. Flynn, who was known for his extreme tweets about Hillary Clinton’s corruption and other verboten subjects. He became the target of his own federal investigation into possible collusion between Trump and Russia, and alleged Russian “meddling” in the 2016 presidential election. The younger Flynn was renowned for his politically incorrect tweets, as well, and mentioned other conspiratorial topics like an alleged video of Bill Clinton raping a teenage girl, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio’s rumored secret gay lifestyle, and frequently retweeted Paul Joseph Watson, long-time associate of Alex Jones.
In 2017, Flynn pled guilty, almost certainly under the threat of more punitive punishment, to lying to government investigators about conversations he’d had with a Russian ambassador in late 2016. In the aftermath of the deal, Flynn fired his defense team, and his new attorney Sydney Powell stated, “there never would’ve been a plea to begin with” if Flynn had been aware of the amount of information being withheld from him.
In early November, federal prosecutors rejected what they termed an “extraordinary reversal” by Flynn, who is now claiming he was the victim of a “plot to set up an innocent man and create a crime.” In a recent court filing, the prosecutors noted that Flynn “now claims that he is innocent of the criminal charge in this case,” and, “For the first time, the defendant represents to this court that he ‘was honest with the agents [on Jan. 24, 2017] to the best of his recollection at the time.’ He makes this claim despite having admitted his guilt, under oath, before two federal judges (including this court).”
Among the evidence attorney Powell is requesting U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan release are two Blackberry devices used by the shadowy Maltese professor Joseph Mifsud, who has been placed at the center of the entire Russian “collusion” fantasy. Flynn’s lawyers also allege that James Comey’s FBI engaged in massive misrepresentation, leading him to believe the agents were interested in a friendly conversation about terrorism.

Powell told Sullivan the interview was an “ambush,” and said, “When the director of the FBI, and a group of his close associates, plot to set up an innocent man and create a crime—while taking affirmative steps to ensnare him by refusing to follow procedures designed to prevent such inadvertent missteps—this amounts to conduct so shocking to the conscience and so inimical to our system of justice that it requires the dismissal of the charges for outrageous government conduct.”
Flynn, like Paul Manafort and Roger Stone, are surrogate scapegoats for Donald Trump and the entire Russian “collusion” narrative. Today’s socalled “liberals” devise nicknames like “Moscow Mitch” and “Red Rand” for Republicans, without the slightest evidence, or realization of how closely this all mirrors the age of “McCarthyism” which they seemingly abhor.
While the Deep State tries to convert a nebulous phone conversation into an impeachable offense, the Bushes, the Clintons, and the rest of the odious swamp remain free.
Donald Jeffries is a highly respected author and researcher whose work on the JFK, RFK and MLK assassinations and other high crimes of the Deep State has been read by millions of people across the world. Jeffries is also the author of three books currently being sold by the AFP Online Store.