Israeli Assassins Strike Again

January 6, 2021 AFP Editor 0

By Richard Walker The brazen murder of an Iranian nuclear scientist shows once again that Israel cares little for international law and stands alone as a country that has assassinated more people than any other […]

Israel Warns Biden on Iran

December 4, 2020 AFP Editor 1

By Richard Walker It was only a matter of time before Israel warned Joe Biden that if he resets the Iran nuclear deal it could lead to war. The implied threat came from Israeli Settlements […]

How Anti-Semitism Is Weaponized

October 3, 2020 AFP Editor 2

Yet another push to suppress any and all criticism of Israel, Zionist power under way. By Phil Giraldi The use of “anti-Semitism” as something like a tactical discussion stopper in deliberations about the Middle East […]

Israeli Groups Get Covid-19 Money

August 20, 2020 AFP Editor 0

By Phil Giraldi It seems that everywhere one turns these days it is possible to find a new subterfuge whereby the state of Israel is able to extract still more money from the American taxpayer. […]

Rep. Omar Surrenders to Israel Lobby

June 1, 2020 AFP Editor 2

By Philip Giraldi The nearly complete corruption of the U.S. republican form of government has largely come about due to the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court in January 2010 that basically permitted unlimited […]

Israel Perfecting Surveillance Tech

May 11, 2020 AFP Editor 0

Leave it to the Mossad and Shin Bet to profit militarily and financially from virus. By Phil Giraldi Israel’s external spy organization Mossad and its internal espionage equivalent Shin Bet have reputations that are much […]

Claim: ‘Epstein Worked for Israel’

February 5, 2020 AFP Editor 1

Pedophile, spy’s daughter were blackmailing public figures for Mossad. By Phil Giraldi The saga of pedophile procurer to the rich and famous Jeffrey Epstein continues to enthrall, even if the Department of Justice appears to […]

Free Speech on the Ropes

December 2, 2019 AFP Editor 8

Is criticism of Israel already an official hate crime in America? By Philip Giraldi One subject that congressmen and the mainstream media tend to avoid is the erosion of fundamental liberties in the United States […]

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