Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey, Jr. held a press conference on July 5 to announce that the FBI will not recommend that criminal charges be brought against Hillary Clinton for mishandling classified information on her private email server.
While Comey said there was not enough evidence to prosecute Hillary, he added that she had a minimum of 52 classified email chains passing through her unclassified server. This violation has led to sanctions being filed against other federal workers and contractors.
Comey did take a few slaps at Hillary, saying: “To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.”
But, ultimately, Comey concluded: “Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
Do you think the FBI believes that Hillary is too big to jail. Please take a moment to tell us what you think.
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And while you’re at it, why don’t you leave a comment below to tell us what you really think about Hillary, the Teflon presidential candidate?
Hillary, nobody gives a rodent’s rectum what you think! Sit down and shut the hell up!!
After all the hype about Hillwitch and others like her, really we should all be ashamed for allowing murderous hags like her to exist.
Our ”democratic” system that is really too soft, gives opportunities to people like her to flourish.
We are much too tolerant and open to greed and corruption.
She deserves nothing less than a bullet to the brain after she is ”coerced” to telling us about all the murders she and her disgusting husband were involved in
What is the penalty for treason?
How does it feel to KNOW that you are in the minority? (And don’t quote the lyin’ polls)
Are you:
a. A Hillary troll?
b. A horse’s ass?
Must be one or the other.
C.J. Hounshell
I think Hillary was guilty of being not particularly IT savvy…she is a pretty old woman, after all. I know women her age who can’t even use email! But there was no malicious intent and she was not hacked…so, no harm/no foul. And she HAS admitted that if she had a way to do it over, she would not have used her personal server. What I wonder, if it was so dangerous, why did none of the government IT people tell her not to use the personal server?
This is my first visit to this paper….probably, my last, since you guys seem to be worshipers of Trumplethinskin…..who is LOSING! Because he is A CRAZY SOCIOPATH WHO IS IN THIS TO FLEECE THE AMERICAN PUBLIC. I can’t wait to see his tax returns…then maybe, you peppercorns will be hollering: LOCK HIM UP!
Clinton Casualties
Let us review the tally:
On February 15, 1977, Suzanne Coleman committed suicide. She is alleged to have had a sexual affair with Bill Clinton during the time he was Arkansas State Attorney General. Coleman was seven and one-half months pregnant at the time of her death when she shot herself in the back of the head. No autopsy was performed and there is consequently no scientific proof the baby belonged to Bill Clinton.
On August 10, 1991, Danny Casolaro committed suicide. He was an investigative journalist who had been working to uncover the leads of several then-rumored Clinton scandals including activities at the Mena Airport in Arkansas. Casolaro was found dead in his hotel bathroom with both wrists opened though he had repeatedly informed his family and friends if he met such a fate it would not be suicide.
On November 8, 1992, Ian Spiro committed suicide. An international businessman and commodities broker as well as government associate-operative, Spiro was involved in collecting evidence in the INSLAW Affair which connected with Bill Clinton and wife Hillary. He told friends he had been receiving numerous death threats although when the bodies of his wife and five children were discovered by authorities in their home, and Spiro’s body dead of cyanide in his car, it was ruled a murder-suicide.
On May 19, 1993, John Wilson committed suicide. A Washington D.C. Council Chairman and Civil Rights activist, Wilson was claimed to be involved in the Whitewater Scandal which focused on questionable land deals and money laundering tied to the Clintons. There is speculation Wilson was prepared to testify in regard to these matters when he instead hung himself in the basement of his home. He left no note.
On July 10, 1993, Vince Foster committed suicide. Foster was the Deputy White House Counsel at law. His body was discovered in Fort Marcy Park although no bullet was ever located. An initial witness stated there was no gun at the scene though one was later found prominently displayed on the body. Foster was an associate of long-standing with the Clintons who was concerned with Clinton campaign finances.
On August 15, 1993, Jon Walker committed suicide. He was an investigator for Resolution Trust Corporation into the Whitewater Affair, and specifically the Morgan Guaranty scandal. Walker apparently jumped to his death from his apartment balcony.
On November 29, 1993, Edward Willey committed suicide. He was the husband of Kathleen Willey, a former White House volunteer who stated on television that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her by forcing her to kiss him as he groped her. Edward was found dead by a gunshot wound to the head in his parked automobile. His wife Kathleen suggests he was murdered by operatives for the Clintons.
On January 8, 1994, Gandy Baugh committed suicide. Later attorney for Dan Lasater who was a previous client of Hillary Clinton as well as contributor to the Bill Clinton campaign and according to Arkansas sources was described as his “partying companion.” Lasater was a distributor of illegal drugs and also involved, represented by Baugh, in a case of alleged financial misconduct. Baugh unexpectedly threw himself out of a several-story building.
On May 14, 1994, Kathy Ferguson committed suicide. She was the ex-wife of an Arkansas State Trooper who was the co-defendant in a sexual harassment lawsuit against President Clinton. She had a gunshot wound to her right temple.
On June 12, 1994, Bill Shelton committed suicide. He was the fiancée of Kathy Ferguson who killed herself one month earlier and who was connected to the Paula Jones sexual harassment lawsuit against then-President Clinton. Shelton was a Sherwood Arkansas Police Officer who had been vociferous in his allegations his wife-to-be had not committed suicide and had in fact been murdered. Shelton was found sprawled across Ferguson’s gravesite with an allegedly self-inflicted gunshot to the back of the head.
On June 24, 1994, Stanley Huggins may have committed suicide. Huggins was a principal lawyer in the firm of Huggins and Associates located in Memphis. He was investigating the Morgan Guaranty scandal in relation to the Whitewater Affair. Despite numerous requests from his wife, no hospital records were evidently released; having been sealed by order of Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno. During the same weekend as his death Huggins’s office was burglarized and his files with 300-page report stolen.
On July 28, 1994, Calvin Walraven committed suicide. Walraven was a police informant who had testified in a trial for the sale of cocaine by the son of Clinton Surgeon General Joycelon Elders. The cause was a gunshot wound to the head.
On May 16, 1996, Jeremy Michael Boorda committed suicide. Naval Admiral during the Clinton administration he flew numerous combat missions during the Vietnam Conflict and awarded several medals of distinction; some reclassified later in his career. When questioned over authority to wear them he responded there was no intent at deception and he would desist. Yet he apparently killed himself over the matter only weeks later. Detractors believe the Admiral in fact refused to transport Chinese and other foreign troops on U.S. ships for “training” on American shores and became a liability.
On August 2, 2016, Shawn Lucas committed suicide. He was the man who served a legal complaint, a nationwide class-action suit for fraud, against the Democratic National Committee (later proved to have conspired against Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Primary election) and Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. His girlfriend found his body on the bathroom floor.
On August 1, 2016, Victor Thorn committed suicide. He was the author of a trilogy on supposed nefarious dealings by both Clintons and a writer for alternative media website American Free Press. The cause was a gunshot wound to the head. Incidentally, it was his birthday. Any correlation to the imminent election involving Hillary Rodham Clinton is alleged to be entirely circumstantial.
Although only a partial list the above account for 15 suicides of people closely connected with Bill and Hillary Clinton. Likewise, there are literally dozens of other deaths which find the Clintons as their nexus. (One of the most compelling being the death of Clinton Commerce Secretary Ron Brown who publicly implied he was willing to testify against the President when his plane crashed…the air traffic controller later, as one might suppose, having committed suicide.)
Another possibility is that the Screechin’ Hag is going to have a terminal epileptic fit on camera and the event given wide dissemination to the voters. Either event would work for me. Who in their right mind would vote for sick old Hag with zero scruples? And….on it goes!
Both Klinton’s should have been locked up a long time ago.
Then, all their victims, if they are still alive, should have the pleasure of putting the final rounds in them.
They leaked and are selling Top Secret CIA secrets to China.
They both need life sentences and on the chain gang in Federal Prison.
Don’t believe anything you hear in the media or from the Hitlery Camp or the Osama Bin Laden Administration.
FACT!!.. Hitlery will not be president under no circumstances as she does not have any support and will be LUCKY if she receives any more than 2% of American votes. Hitlery is a known criminal and steps have already been taken to secure her arrest as soon as Donald Trump is sworn in as President. Make no mistake about it, Hitlery is facing 40 years behind bars, the lying vile repulsive career criminal will die in prison and Osama will follow her. It’s already a done deal.
That’s how an “Old School” retired cop, who would never think of shooting a human on the basis of skin color sees this.
Does Armani make $12,000 orange jump suits?
Comey knew if he recommended indictment, it wouldn’t happen anyway; Lynch would table it. And there is the real possibility that Obama would pardon Hillary “to remove the cloud hanging over her candidacy.” So Hillary would get off scot-free.
So, Comey laid out all the egregious breaches of national security and Hillary lying about it. In other words, he gave a good prosecution argument which, in court, could convict her. But then he recommended against prosecution. Why?
Answer: So that it would seriously damage Hillary’s chance of getting elected (some good campaign ads for Trump in Comey’s sound bites), show the American people what a lying scumbag she is, and show that she is a national security risk. Then when Trump is elected, he can appoint a special counsel to go after her. If she was pardoned by Obama, she would be forever free of prosecution for this.
Could it be that instead of Comey being a “turncoat” or politically swayed, that he is doing the only possible thing to eventually bring Hillary to justice?
Just my two bits.
Bill sold out to the Chinese years ago and that is treason. And because of voter fraud and the corruptness of Hillary, she will be elected whether she is voted in or not. She will find a way to win.
Imagine what would happen to one of us regular people if we did a small portion of the criminal activities that these two have done, we would be imprisoned for life!
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
Bye suckers… enjoy the Diebold experience.
drastically since then, why should we charge Hillary Clinton for such a very unproved minor episode compared to what Pres. Bush and Cheney instigated as treason and murder?
Why don’t you all investigate something that is worthwhile, which would bring trust and truth back to our government in its public governance for the sake of all us?
And yet the ‘sheeple’ will vote for her. Unbelievable!
Realize this folks, she is just the next ‘step’ in the take down of America by the elites. We have been poisoned in our food/air/water/drugs, we have been lied to, our jobs (thanks to Hillary/Bill and NAFTA) have gone overseas. When the cancer rate is about 1 out of every 2, you have to realize this is on purpose, to fulfill Agenda 21.
The poll results keep saying she is ahead of Trump, but we know those polls are not telling the truth are they? But when someone reads those bogus results, it makes them lean towards her. Unfortunately Donald, though well-meaning as he knows what is really going on, is not the best conveyor of the truth, speaking before thinking things out. He doesn’t use teleprompters, does he? Shillary gets her own questions asked and has her answers laid out for her. She knows exactly how to manipulate/use things for her own benefit.
Should she be in jail? Sheez, she and Bill should both have been in jail a long time ago. That they are backed by powerful people/corporations/countries is in our faces and even the FBI backed down, so that should give Americans a big clue as to who is running the show. Years ago Bill himself stated a shadow government was here (can’t remember the exact words), and that was most likely a slip on his part, and the truth.
George Washington considered this ‘republic’ form of government an experiment, but would shed his blood to give it a chance. I would say to George, well, it was a good try but it is a ‘failed experiment.’ That Shillary is even in the running is evidence of that….read ’em and weep kids.
Ever since Reagan started this left/right idiocy and people no longer vote for what’s best for the country but instead for a party right or wrong.
WE ARE DOOMED if we don’t break this cycle of passing the football every four or eight years. As of right now we are Nazi Germany circa 1937.
Nobody is responsible for anything anymore.
Horst Baer
She needs to be cornholed by a broomhandle, two bit whore.
Actually Hillary should be tried and executed!
I had a (fantasy) DREAM! It went like this: I was at the DNC Convention in Philly…
Just as Hillary was stepping up to the podium to speak, a large crowd encircled the stage. Out of the crowd emerged a group of people, made up of disgruntled law enforcement types, the few honest politicians left, and representative groups of American Citizens, young to old, who commandeered the stage.
“As representative Citizens” they placed Hillary under ‘Citizens arrest’! “To hell with our corrupt system”, they said, “We’re not waiting anymore for someone up there, with the ‘stones’ to do what needs to be done”!
“Bernie, you take over the DNC, we’re taking Hillary for a stroll.” They then take her outside and ‘perp walk” her all the way to Independence Mall, through cheering crowds that make the Mummer’s parade look like a block party. They then took Madame Taker to the room where the Constitution was framed, and read ALL the numerous charges that she was party to. That in itself took quite some time! She was properly De-Throned next to the Mint! (Dethronement)
Finally they took her out to the square and put her (appropriately) in stocks. Of course they had to put her in a ‘safe’ space, a ‘free speech zone,’ behind free speech fences, where her peasants could tell her exactly what they thought of her, and her cadre of criminals. I don’t quite remember if rotten eggs and tomatoes were being sold by nearby vendors, or if that was just wishful dreaming, but I know they left her there three days, for conversational purposes. I think three times as many people showed up than came out for the Pope!
I don’t remember much more except the cheers, and the drinking and celebrating. I think I passed out with joy.
I know that this is probably just another one of my fantasies, BUT; You can’t LIVE a fantasy if you don’t HAVE one.
Totally corrupt. NWO dragon lady.
vShe belongs in an orange jumpsuit. Not qualified to sweep the floors of political offices.