Drugs, Kids & Guns

January 7, 2013 AFP 0

• Well-known psychiatrist says “psych meds” cause violence in too many users By Ralph Lopez Psychiatrists have come forward to assert that certain psychiatric medications, such as those known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), […]

Bankers Forced to Pay $1.5B Fine

January 7, 2013 AFP 0

• Swiss bank at heart of parasitic financial network that fixed bank loan rates to gouge consumers By Pete Papaherakles On December 19, UBS, a Swiss bank, agreed to pay an unprecedented $1.5B to United […]

Government Crosses New Privacy Line

December 26, 2012 AFP 0

• Feds given permission to collect, store records on people who are not suspected of crimes Documents obtained under Freedom of Information Act requests and interviews conducted with officials at numerous government agencies by The […]

Globalists Want Obama to Push Climate Issue

December 19, 2012 AFP 0

By James P. Tucker Jr. WASHINGTON, D.C.—The  North American Group, a regional subgroup of the Trilateral Commission (TC), held its closely-guarded annual meeting in Washington November 30-December 3. Over the course of the weekend-long event, […]

Wasted on War

December 11, 2012 AFP 0

•Here’s a Great Way to Reduce the Budget: Slash Outrageous U.S. Military Spending By Victor Thorn Leaders in Congress have shown that they don’t have the political will to decrease runaway federal spending, and no […]

Mom-and-Pop Chain Fights Obamacare

December 11, 2012 AFP 0

• Hobby Lobby says it has moral objections to being forced by new laws to fund abortion procedures By Pat Shannan The new government healthcare program mandating that businesses must provide abortion-causing drugs as part […]

Mainstream Media Drops Ball on 9-11

December 3, 2012 AFP 2

• Why did Osama bin Laden deny al Qaeda involvement in the 9-11 attacks? • And why did the mainstream media completely ignore this astounding revelation? By Paul Craig Roberts On September 28, 2001, Karachi, […]

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