Immigration Policy Promoting Collapse of America

June 21, 2014 AFP 0

• Shortsighted U.S. government policies on illegal immigration disregard massive numbers of dependent aliens, criminals, kids being given sanctuary at expense of U.S. taxpayers. Ronald L. Ray — The unending torrent of illegal aliens entering […]

Ranchers Battle Feds for Water Rights

June 12, 2014 AFP 1

• Should longtime ranchers or jumping mice be given preference during drought? By Ronald L. Ray — Forget Smokey the Bear. Ranchers in Otero County, New Mexico, find themselves in an escalating dispute with the […]

Mexico Invades the United States

June 5, 2014 AFP 1

• Obama ignores criminal elements of Mexican army as they threaten U.S. border agents on U.S. territory. By Victor Thorn — On three separate occasions in 2014, soldiers in the Mexican army have crossed America’s […]

Putin Stymies Globalists

May 26, 2014 AFP 0

• Russia challenging “international system,” leaving one-worlders out in the cold. By Mark Anderson — In the wake of the late-April meeting of the Trilateral Commission (TC)—and with the 2014 Bilderberg meeting dead ahead in […]

Economic Vultures Target Ukraine

May 24, 2014 AFP 0

By Richard Walker — While Ukraine teeters on the edge of a political abyss it is the target of economic vultures that include the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the biggest Western oil and gas […]

INTERVIEW: Gutsy Nevada Rancher Speaks to AFP

May 24, 2014 AFP 1

On April 12, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and thousands of his supporters forced hundreds of federal agents from the Bureau of Land Management to back down after a tense standoff involving seized cattle and disputed […]

Congress Wants Feds to Police Internet

May 20, 2014 AFP 1

By Mark Anderson — Senator Edward John “Ed” Markey (D-Mass.) appears intent on undermining free speech on the flimsy, worn-out “hate crimes” pretense. His Hate Crime Reporting Act of 2014, or S. 2219, would empower the […]

Georgia Comes Out Shooting

May 15, 2014 AFP 0

• State follows national trend in easing overly restrictive gun laws. By Keith Johnson — Georgia has become the latest state to claim a major victory in the ongoing struggle to preserve our cherished constitutional […]

Covering Up War Crimes

May 14, 2014 AFP 0

•  Federal torturers erasing history of their misdeeds. By Richard Walker — While the focus on the torture program under President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney remains fixed on the failure to […]

Israel: Our Worst “Ally”

April 22, 2014 AFP 0

• How Israel got away with stealing nuclear material from a Pennsylvania power plant in 1968 and why the U.S. government and the CIA turned a blind eye. By John Friend — A Washington, D.C. […]

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