Trump Headed for Votescam In Iowa and NH?

February 4, 2016 AFP 6

By Jim Condit, Jr. — The Iowa Caucus is the first major contest in each presidential election cycle. This year, it was held on February 1. In 2012, the Iowa State GOP headquarters announced the […]

Obamacare Forcing Healthcare Into Death Spiral

January 22, 2016 AFP 1

By Victor Thorn — This year, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare, will be fully implemented. Though proponents tout its benefits, such as coverage for […]

AFP in Oregon: Standoff

January 13, 2016 AFP 6

By John Friend — BURNS, Oregon—A protest taking place at an occupied federal facility in southeastern Oregon has entered its second week as AMERICAN FREE PRESS goes to press. The standoff currently taking place at […]

Free Speech Clampdown

January 9, 2016 AFP 3

• Billionaire book-banner Bezos, academia lead charge against free thought. By Victor Thorn — Just because the United States is called the land of the free and the home of the brave, don’t believe that […]

Now Trump Knows Truth About 9-11

January 9, 2016 AFP 18

• Activist tells Donald Trump: Israelis, not Muslims, were only ones caught celebrating after 9-11 attacks. By John Friend — An activist recently got close to billionaire GOP presidential candidate Donald J. Trump to confront […]

Now This Is Really Criminal

January 8, 2016 AFP 2

• Congress has created an average of 50 new crimes per year since 1995. By John Kiriakou— The media is fond of calling out our “do-nothing Congress.” Indeed, our national lawmakers’ last term was one […]

The NeoCon Game

January 1, 2016 AFP 0

• Neoconservatives will not abandon dangerous quest for New World Order. • America wants regime change in every nation that resists U.S. hegemony. By Paul Craig Roberts — My warning that the neoconservatives have resurrected […]

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