Kucinich Money Bill Can Unify Protesters

October 21, 2011 admin 0

By Mark Anderson – As the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement enters into its second month, will a sizable number of protesters move beyond listing various grievances regarding corporate greed and rampant joblessness, in order […]

Fed Insider GOP Frontrunner?

October 21, 2011 admin 0

By Frank Whalen In a stunning upset to “GOP frontrunner” Rick Perry, Godfather Pizza CEO Herman Cain emerged victorious in the recent Florida Republican straw ballot. Cain received 37 percent of the vote, more than […]

OWS Hits Times Square & Goes Worldwide

October 14, 2011 admin 0

By Jeffrey Smith – The Occupy Wall Street (OWS) demonstrations, in a series of flashing developments, have gained major new support, becoming an undisputed national movement with demonstrations attacking America’s secret rulers spreading to 80 […]

The People vs Wall Street

October 7, 2011 admin 0

By Jeffrey Smith – NEW YORK—In addition to the arrest of hundreds of protesters on the Brooklyn Bridge on Oct. 1, a major incident occurred with regard to the Sept. 24 macing of female demonstrators […]

Fed to Monitor Internet Critics

October 7, 2011 admin 0

 By the Staff of American Free Press – The privately owned (and misleadingly named) Federal Reserve Bank has announced a plan to monitor bloggers and Facebook users to determine whether or not they are engaged […]

Untold Story of the Montana Freemen

October 7, 2011 admin 7

By Pat Shannan With the passing of Leroy Schweitzer last month in Colorado’s super-max federal prison in Florence, questions loom as his family awaits the results of a private autopsy. Over halfway through a 22-year […]

Kucinich Wants Constitutional Money

October 1, 2011 admin 0

By Mark Anderson – Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on Sept. 21 introduced the National Emergency Employment Defense Act (NEED), H.R. 2990, which would remove the power of creating money from the privately owned and controlled […]


September 28, 2011 admin 0

All AFP audio interviews below are in chronological order from the present and can be listened to directly through your browser or can be downloaded in MP3 format. AUDIO INTERVIEW & ARTICLE: Firing of Professor […]

Wall Street Invaded

September 23, 2011 admin 0

By Victor Thorn Beginning on September 17, three organizations—Adbusters, Occupy Wall Street and U.S. Days of Rage-unleashed a campaign to radically disrupt, for two straight months, the heart of America’s financial sector, in New York […]

U.S. Told: Bail Out Europe

September 16, 2011 admin 0

By Christopher J. Petherick The heads of the world’s leading central banks announced in a joint statement on September 15 that, in order to quell concerns about a deepening of the global economic crisis, the […]

Groundwork Laid for Controlled 3rd Party

August 13, 2011 admin 0

By Michael Collins Piper The push for a new “centrist” third party being orchestrated behind the scenes at the highest levels is quietly escalating as the 2012 election cycle gets under way. As recently as […]

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