Bull Market in Body Parts

August 1, 2012 AFP 0

By Frank Whalen There is a sordid industry that few people know about where wealthy corporations, some even located in the United States, exploit grieving poor people who have just lost loved ones in order […]

‘Infocrafting’ Smears Dissenters

June 19, 2012 AFP 0

• How much of what you see on the Internet is true? How much is propaganda? By Victor Thorn The power elites in Washington are barreling headlong toward legitimizing the use of propaganda, disinformation and […]

Bilderberg Members 2012

June 14, 2012 AFP 0

Official Attendee List from the Bilderberg group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia, May 31-June 3, 2012           Nation:Name—Title Chairman France: Castries, Henri de—Chairman/CEO, AXA Group Attendees Germany: Ackermann, Josef—Chairman, Deutsche Bank AG […]

What is Bilderberg?

June 2, 2012 AFP 7

An excerpt from Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary… The Bilderberg group is an organization of political leaders and international financiers that meets secretly every spring to make global policy. There are about 110 regulars—Rockefellers, Rothschilds, bankers, […]

U.S. Arms Makers Post Huge Profits

May 14, 2012 AFP 0

By Frank Whalen At this time in American history, there is an entire generation of young people who have not been alive when the United States was not engaged in war. This sad fact is […]

Popular Freedom Activist Harassed

April 29, 2012 AFP 0

• Speech before National Rifle Association earns Ted Nugent visit from Secret Service By Pat Shannan Rock star, hunter, talk-show host and outspoken freedom advocate Ted Nugent has never been one to hold back his […]

Crime in the USA

April 8, 2012 AFP 6

• Crime in America down; Experts not sure exactly why By Victor Thorn There’s good news for Americans: According to Federal Bureau of Investigation statistics, violent crime in the United States is continuing a decade-long […]

More People to Be Banned from Flying

February 10, 2012 AFP 0

By Frank Whalen In the last year the U.S. “no-fly” list has more than doubled, despite the much-ballyhooed successes in the “War against Terror.” According to U.S. officials, the reason for this change is the […]

Bribery Scandal Almost Nabbed Newt

December 31, 2011 AFP 0

By Michael Collins Piper In 1997, hardworking FBI agents in Miami were  on the verge (they thought) of snaring then-House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his second  wife, Marianne, in a $10 million bribery scandal  involving […]

Citizens Unite to Fight Texas Wildfires

October 1, 2011 admin 0

By Pat Shannan – When business partners Tara Woods and Kenna Stephenson, both young mothers in their 30s, saw smoke rising from burning homes in the hills above their town of Magnolia, Texas, they canceled […]

Real Domestic Terror

August 13, 2011 admin 0

By Ken Rhoades and Debra Poulsen There is an array of high-tech populace control weapon devices that are being used on the American people, and it’s time someone stepped up and admitted their existence. Who […]

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