JADE HELM 15: Massive Military Exercise

June 1, 2015 AFP 10

By Dave Gahary — One has to be on guard when the mainstream media portrays everyone with an alternative view on just about anything as a “conspiracy theorist,” derisively of course. Take JADE HELM 15 […]

Help Defeat Trade Deal, Now

May 17, 2015 AFP 1

By Mark Anderson — It’s time to call Congress—big time. Don’t for a moment fret and say “they never listen,” because members of Congress simply need to hear from enough everyday citizens right now—to finally […]

Stand With Cops—But Against Police State

May 10, 2015 AFP 3

By Mark Anderson — Today, the police, who are responsible for maintaining law and order in the worst parts of the country, have become a punching bag for the mainstream media and professional activists, taking […]

Israel’s Dirty Nuclear Secrets

May 4, 2015 AFP 0

• How Netanyahu became a nuclear terrorist and Russia became Iran’s ally. By Ronald L. Ray — In the sociopathic mind of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, any Middle Eastern country seeking to defend itself […]

Saying ‘No’ to Big Bro’

April 6, 2015 AFP 3

• State senator, parents, families uniting to end microchipping of all Texas students. By Mark Anderson — A Texas state senator is standing up for personal freedom and privacy rights by introducing legislation that would […]

No Time Like Present for 1799 Act

April 5, 2015 AFP 1

By the Staff at AFP — Almost half the now-GOP-led Senate sent a letter to Iran’s leaders, trying to undo the Obama administration’s touchy negotiations on Iran’s nuclear program. The grand irony is that the […]

Rotten to the “Common Core”

March 22, 2015 AFP 0

By Ronald L. Ray — The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CC) for primary and secondary education in public schools are the latest in a long line of bureaucratically imposed directives pushed by cultural communists […]

AIPAC, Netanyahu Sabotaging Iran Deal

March 22, 2015 AFP 5

By Mark Anderson — Under the watchful eye of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Senators Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) have introduced the Nuclear Weapon Free Iran Act of 2015 (S. […]

Amid Media Blackout, Lawsuit Challenges Banker Rule

March 11, 2015 AFP 6

• Outcome could decide if Canadians have monetary sovereignty. By Mark Anderson — A landmark Canadian federal appellate-court ruling could conceivably lead to the cancellation of Canada’s debt-based money system, and its repercussions are expected […]

Senators Offer Plan to Close IRS Forever

March 10, 2015 AFP 4

By Mark Anderson — Has the late, great JimTraficant’s flat sales-tax proposal outlived the former Ohio Democratic congressman and entered the legislative pipeline? This could be the case, as Senators Gerald W. “Jerry” Moran (R-Kan.) […]

Net Neutrality: Obamacare for the Internet

March 1, 2015 AFP 4

By Victor Thorn — Do United States citizens want an Internet czar or a new federal agency that oversees cyberspace? America’s Internet, one of the most astounding innovations in history, isn’t broken, yet the Federal […]

‘Audit the Fed’ Bill Revived

February 15, 2015 AFP 3

By Mark Anderson — Officials on the national and regional levels of the Federal Reserve have developed a bad case of the jitters over renewed talk of auditing the Rothschild-owned-and-controlled United States central banking system. […]

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