It is with a heavy heart that we report on May 30 renowned author, correspondent, world traveler and friend Michael Collins Piper passed away, the victim of an apparent heart attack. For the past few months, Mike had been living in Idaho following recent serious health issues he had been suffering.
While details remain sketchy at the moment, we have been told that the coroner has ruled that Mike’s death was due to natural causes and that there was no foul play involved. His family is planning a small funeral service, but it is our understanding that supporters are planning an event to honor his legacy. We will report those details in an upcoming issue when finalized.
Mike was instrumental in founding AMERICAN FREE PRESS in August 2001, dedicating his life to, among other things, writing books and articles that exposed the machinations of powerful Zionist forces, like The HIGH PRIESTS of WAR, The NEW JERUSALEM: Zionist Power in America, The NEW BABYLON: Those Who Reign Supreme, The JUDAS GOATS: The Enemy Within, and SHARE the WEALTH: Huey Long vs. Wall Street.
(These books are all we have remaining and are limited in quantity and will not be replenished as of now.)
In the waning days of LIBERTY LOBBY, Mike’s wonderful sense of humor kept everyone’s spirits high, even in the midst of those black days. He was also a writer of short comic skits that lampooned top political figures and ridiculed the mainstream line on historical events.
He never backed away from facing off with those he saw as liars and shills, no matter how powerful they were, even confronting Henry Kissinger as he came out of the Library of Congress across from the old Liberty Building on Capitol Hill.
The loss of Mike is truly a tragedy for the patriot movement. He will be missed by his friends on the AFP staff as well as his many loyal supporters.
Michael’s family has requested that instead of sending flowers, please send donations to the Juniata County Library, 498 Jefferson Street, Mifflintown, PA 17059, where Michael always went.
Rest in peace, Mike.

Piper family
I want to thank you for your courage and effort in writing Final Judgment and your other books. I and a lot of other people were in the dark until we read your books. It is a great loss not to have you with at this time; a loss of a great mind still young at age 54. Seeing “the other side of the news” is truly a liberating experience. You held on to a story until the truth manifested itself, then you shared that truth with the rest of us. I feel a sense of loss in losing you on a par with losing President Kennedy in l963 when I was barely 20 years old. We were supposed to have President Kennedy for many years too.
God bless you; you will be sorely missed!
Chad O’Connor
My nephew, Leonard Snyder, Jr. was murdered on Sept. 11th, 2001. Following that great crime, we were told Osama bin Laden did it, case closed, and then later the 9/11 Commission Report.
Sadly, both events as outlined by our government and media, are as phony as a $3 dollar bill! MCP’s writings woke up many Americans, but not enough. Most people remain in darkness and ignorance with respect to 9/11.
Will the U.S. be a great nation again? Donald Trump can’t do it!
If you have not done so, please read Mark Gaffney’s book Black 9/11, Money, Motive, and Technology. He outlines the extraordinary monetary thefts and crimes that occurred on 9/11. Wow! Wake up America, and do pray (God is not blessing our country’s war crimes throughout the world).
Largo, Fla.
Mike is gone, but he left us plenty to remember him by, and for that, we can all be grateful.
Less than a month before his death I received a letter from Michael Collins Piper regarding his unfortunate health problems and the fact that he was no longer employed by American Free Press. He also made serious allegations regarding Mr. Carto and his wife. I sent him a small donation.
I respect Mr. Piper and Mr. Carto very highly and it is very important for the patriot movement, especially during this time of chaos and loss of liberty, that we should hear Mr. Carto’s side of this conflict.
WHY WAS MCP SQUELCHED, DRIVEN OUT, UNDERMINED at AFP Ms. Carto? It seems you have the answers, but choose to remain hidden, behind the Curtain…?
Please come out from behind the Curtain and Explain…?????
…..those responsible and in the know do not deal with the online operation of AFP.
The AFP will not respond to any questions posed here since those responsible for the MCP fiasco that undoubtedly had a negative effect on his health.
It’s safe to say that prior to his departure from AFP, MCP was quite comfortable with his then current living and employment conditions. Stress as many of know, or should know, can lead to the deterioration on a person’s health.
Sad news.
“Jews have never done to me what Elisabeth Carto has done to me. She is the worst enemy I’ve ever had in my life.”
I don’t know who did the recording and didn’t find any other information than sheckyrubenstein writing in Mami’s chat:
Somebody who was there when Michael Collins Piper was fired released audio of him explaining it directly after (09/04/2014) “This was recorded on 09/04/2014, the day when Mike was evicted from AFP office in downtown. It happened that I was there when this happened and this is why I recorded. The rest of the recording is irrelevant to the issue. By posting this I don’t try to denigrate anybody and if Mike would not die, this would be kept private. But I believe in truth, and the truth is sometimes painful.”
Still no comments from AFP? I was thinking of ordering some of MCP’s books but not sure if I want to order anything from AFP.
OK, MCP had health problems, but according to what I’ve heard, instead of supporting him, you practically forced him to leave by limiting his articles and decreasing his salary. If that is true, the persons responsible for this should feel ashamed.
In his most recent podcasts he understandably felt betrayed and didn’t have very warm thoughts about AFP and now you are acting like nothing happened. Surely you needed to make some savings and I’m not wishing anything bad for AFP. But letting down one of your best writers shouldn’t have been the way to go, whatever problems he may have had.
Maybe his health problems had still been too much for him eventually, but wouldn’t he have deserved a little more support from AFP since he dedicated most of his life for this and was one of the best writers there ever was and will be?
I didn’t agree with him on everything, but I had huge respect for MCP. One thing I really liked was his “‘sticking with the facts’ before jumping to baseless conclusions,” as Mark Glenn has written. That is one very important thing more people should learn to do.
Yet, without any facts, people are already speculating he was murdered, even if his close friend Mark Glenn has stated that it’s not likely. I can understand some people are stunned and need to have someone to blame.
But for people like Gordon Duff, this seems to be just another conspiracy theory with no facts, to entertain his readers. I find that quite disrespectful. As if they hadn’t learned anything Mike was trying to accomplish.
Thanks Michael, and Rest in Peace!
Let it be remembered that Michael Collins Piper, age 55, [Ed. 54] was not at the end of his work, remarkable as it is, but should be seen as the fearless leader who in death may symbolize a force with which to stand against the growing slavery of all mankind in the service of Zionism. This includes the Jewish people who are in effect its most helpless victims.
In my humble estimation, MCP was AFP’s Best, Most Insightful Writer, Fearless, Bravest Investigative Journalist. So, AFP mentions that it is with Heavy Heart that you, AFP, report that MCP, a friend, has passed away. If MCP is a Friend of AFP, and if it is with a Heavy Heart that you Post this Memorian for MCP, then I have a few Questions seeking AFP Soul Searching Answers…?????
Why did MCP leave AFP, and seem to have his Articles, Books no longer Published at AFP if he was a Friend, and if you had a Heavy Heart?
Why are ALL of his Books NOT AVAILABLE for purchase on AFP’s Book store? Why?
Why has AFP NOT PUBLISHED Edition 7 of MCP’s Final Judgment? Why? WILL AFP now Publish and PROMOTE Edition 7 of FJ…?
Why have ALL of MCP’s articles and books during the past year or so NOT been published, strongly promoted on AFP?
Why did MCP start writing articles for other Web Sites, rather than AFP?
Why doesn’t AFP Task ALL of your Investigative Reporters to write a Front Page Investigative Answer to ALL of these Questions, and Others that have yet to be asked…?
Responses welcome…??
History will not forget a true man.
Our hypothetical “we” could say something like: “Dear Sir and People of China and of the world: PBAT [“Please Be Advised That”] we here in the USA live under a Jewish tyranny which has rotted our society to the marrow, as the recent frenzied reception of the brazen mass murderer Bibi Netanyahu by the Lesser Knesset of D.C. (formerly called “Congress”) vividly illustrates. We Americans know that both for our own sake and for our whole human race we must correct this dire situation. Somewhat indeed like patriots around Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Chu Teh began to act in China in 1922. In the meantime, however, it might help our inchoate effort here to enjoy competent international assistance in analyzing in particular the recent curious death of our greatest historian, the man who finally solved the mystery of the 1963 Jack Whack.
Hence this, our humble petition to you, Sir.
Are all of us really so many frogs at the bottoms of our separate wells, gazing up at our various tiny blue circles of Heaven? From my humble abode here in San Francisco, California I suspect that JAPE [Jew American Planetary Empire] specialists in bioweaponry may have hit MCP with some drugs to mess with his mind. At the same time, SOP for such plotters would be to have an agent also “on the other side”, i.e, in the group dealing with MCP, to aggravate the victim’s induced misbehavior. We can see this pattern in COINTELPRO black ops and in the Clintons’ cook-up of the diversion of the Bosnian War, among other historical episodes.
“Rise like lions after slumber, in unvanquishable number!”
I am not privy to the details of Mike’s separation from the American Free Press. There are clearly 18 sides to every story. However, I do wish that separation never took place. I do wish Mike was still living on Capitol Hill with the Hound of the Baskervilles. I suspect his relocation to safety and loving care in the embrace of true friends still took its toll on his already fragile health.
Why is it that disputes that seem so monumental at one moment are truly insignificant and unnecessary when real issues come to the forefront?
Mike was a hero.
I just hope everyone final sees it.
Also, you can download this book (6th edition) and a couple of other books that he has written on pirate bay and don’t forget to use the inter library loan request at your local Library to request MCP books for those who do not like getting played by the Jewish-controlled media.
The blueprint for their plan was leaked in 1905 and it is called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. I want to mention one other book that I think is a must read and that is The Bad War by M.S. King.
Thanks Ry for updating MCP passing. May he RIP and I have no doubt that he gets a pass on Purgatory unlike myself.
Peace pw
I wonder what ever happened to that 7th edition.
Four years after the Big Hit, the hugest Jew coup d’etat of all time, then the Jew’s successful attack with impunity on the USS LIBERTY served notice on the “white shoes” of Wall Street and their brass hat cousins at the Pentagon as to who was now running the show in the USA.
The fatal Q: Obviously the Jews had MMO to assassinate MCP. If they did so, then obviously ’twas a prolonged and rather discreet process. Now’s a good time to reread TRUE EVIL [2006] by Greg Iles.
He was a true patriot and hero.
RIP Mike.
The Jew Rat Bas***ds got another one.
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