Final Days of the ‘Big Lie Machine’ Are Coming

By Paul Craig Roberts

One of the worst features of “democracy” is the self-serving lobby groups. Two Israeli lobby groups—the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, otherwise known as AIPAC, and the Anti-Defamation League, commonly known as the ADL—are having a rough time because of the Zionist genocide of the Palestinians. People are starting to wonder how Israel is a victim when Israel is slaughtering women and children not only in Gaza but also in south Lebanon.

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In Ukraine, the Biden-Harris regime have given Americans another lost war, which casts more doubt on American omnipotence., Hence, the military-security complex lobbies are experiencing public disbelief in their narratives.

The Atlantic Council is a lobby group for the military-security complex and Washington’s hegemony over Europe. Attempting to control explanations important to war profits, the group created a lie machine, DFR Lab. On Oct. 30, one of the lie machine’s employees, Meredith Furbish, branched out into other areas and defined those of us who have documented the legalization of election theft in the swing states as “Russia-linked media.” Furbish doesn’t say why only Russians and not Americans are concerned with the mechanisms used to steal American elections.

Citing a narrative controller called Alliance for Securing Democracy, Furbish describes me as “an ‘RT’ (formerly ‘Russia Today’) regular and noted conspiracy theorist.” I think it’s been years since I was interviewed by “RT,” and being interviewed doesn’t make one a “regular.” Furbish is so incompetent that she doesn’t know that the Russian journalist Ekaterina Blinova writes for “Sputnik,” not “RT.”

The notion Furbish is trying to perpetuate is that those who identify voting irregularities are Russian agents spreading disinformation. Russia has to be behind everything so that we can stay at war with Russia.

As for being a conspiracy theorist, the self-serving interest groups declare all truth-tellers to be conspiracy theorists. Every explanation, no matter how truthful, that does not uphold the official narratives is a conspiracy theory. This tells us that it is the conspiracy theories that are correct, not the official narratives.

To suppress truth has been the function of the print and TV media and National Public Radio for many years. The editors and journalists in the presstitute media have no independence. Moreover, most were indoctrinated in journalism schools that their task is to control narratives for the ruling elite. Lobby groups such as the Atlantic Council create their own lie machines to guard their agendas from exposure.

But it hasn’t worked. The lie machine has failed. We have that on the authority of no less than two major lie machine operators. The editor-in-chief of The Wall Street Journal, once a reputable newspaper but no longer, recently said that the media had lost readership because newspapers have ceased reporting and, instead, became protectors of official narratives and, thus, have lost the trust of the public. The words she used were the media “lacks transparency.”

Jeff Bezos, owner of The Washington Post, never a reputable newspaper, wrote on Oct. 28 a Post editorial in which he said that the reputation of the American print and TV media has fallen below that of Congress. “Our profession is now the least trusted of all.” Reality, Bezos said, won over the lie machine: “Reality is an undefeated champion.”

To regain credibility, Bezos says, the media will have to return to accuracy and cease to sacrifice truth to the promotion of ideological agendas. “The Washington Post and The New York Times win prizes, but increasingly we talk only to a certain elite. More and more, we talk to ourselves.”

Who does Meredith Furbish talk to? Her discredited lie machine bosses. No one reads her. No one cares what she says. Time will tell us if enough Americans have escaped their indoctrinated existence to save our country.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was assistant secretary of the U.S.Treasury under President Ronald Reagan and was associate editor and columnist at The Wall Street Journal. He has been a professor of economics in six universities and is the author of numerous books available at
