All Climatologists Do Not Agree on Global Warming

September 19, 2023 AFP Editor 2

By Mark Anderson Have key scientific journals become a monolithic industry of fear-peddling, hardwired to an unprecedented degree with confirmation bias? It appears so, as they cavalierly promote only the most catastrophic sounding “climate change” […]

An Insider’s View of Putin’s Russia

August 11, 2023 AFP Editor 2

By Riley Waggaman The Western world is spiraling into social, cultural, political, and spiritual bankruptcy. Naturally, disaffected Westerners abandoned by their own deranged and out-of-touch governments are looking elsewhere for a country that still defends traditional […]

Israel Goes Totally Totalitarian

June 29, 2023 AFP Editor 1

By Philip Giraldi Israel’s new government is still taking shape, but the U.S. media—even though it is prone to cover-up the war crimes and human rights violations by the Jewish state—has begun to sound the […]

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